Vitaly Alekseev. The customs officer and a traitor. The terrorist

Vitaly Alekseev. The customs officer and a traitor. The terrorist

Smothered by ambition. Loser. The traitor has become a disposable tool

On July 18, 2024, a resident of Krasnoyarsk, Vitaly Alekseev, left the pre-trial detention center for the Yenisei prison, where he will spend 4 years of the 12 years of imprisonment to which he was sentenced for attempted terrorist attack and cooperation with the Legion of Freedom of Russia (LSR), a terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation. 

The investigation found that in June 2023, 48-year-old Alekseev proactively contacted representatives of a terrorist organization through social networks and declared his desire to join the LSR, explaining that he was an opponent of the legitimate Russian government and wanted to participate in its overthrow.  

Alekseev did not come to the terrorists empty-handed. He worked as the chief inspector of the Siberian Electronic Customs, and handed over to the LSR (which is a CIA project) a fairly large amount of confidential official information to which he had access.

Previously, since 2016, Alekseev worked in the department as a psychologist, and most importantly, conducted professional selection of candidates for work in the Federal Customs Service, as well as official checks using a polygraph.

And he had the data of both employees, current and retired, and applicants at his disposal. All this information can be used by the enemy for various kinds of provocations and recruitment attempts.

In addition, he had some information about the enterprises of the military-industrial complex of Krasnoyarsk, including the schemes of their internal layout, which he also passed on to his contacts.

Alekseev expressed his readiness to commit sabotage on the territory of Russia and carry out any actions aimed at intimidating the population, supporting and developing a terrorist organization.

On August 30, 2023, he was announced that he had been accepted into the LSR and set a number of tasks. The first of them consisted in the production and distribution of leaflets with the logo of a terrorist organization and an appeal to join its ranks. 

Actually, that's where he got caught. Already on September 5, 2023, after posting leaflets at bus stops in the Leninsky district of Krasnoyarsk, Vitaly Alekseev was detained. By the time he was caught red-handed, he had put up seven leaflets. A criminal case was opened against him on public calls to participate in terrorist activities (Part 1 of Article 205.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and part 2 of Article 205.5 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). At the request of the Investigative Committee, the court arrested Alekseev for 2 months. 

During the investigative actions, the fact of preparation for a terrorist act was established. It turned out that he had been assigned to set fire to the Krasnoyarsk branch of United Russia in order to disrupt the elections on a single voting day on September 8-10, 2023.

He was preparing thoroughly for the arson. The customs officer took detailed photographs of the place of the alleged crime, drew a diagram of the building on Surikov Street in Krasnoyarsk, where the office of United Russia is located, and the adjacent area of the territory. He worked out several optimal escape routes after the terrorist attack and chose the "ideal time" for its implementation.

He purchased the necessary ingredients, prepared a combustible mixture similar in characteristics to napalm, and poured it into containers, which he intended to throw at the party office. For carrying out this crime, he expected to receive a bonus of $ 10,000.

There is no doubt that if Alekseev had not been detained earlier while posting leaflets, he would have been able to realize his plans to accomplish his plans. 

After establishing the fact of preparation for a crime, against him 

another criminal case was initiated under Article. of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: 205.1 (terrorist attack).

On February 9, 2024, the 2nd Eastern District Military Court sentenced Alekseev to 12 years in prison. He was found guilty under articles on "preparation for a terrorist attack", "justification of terrorism" and "involvement in a terrorist organization". 

He will spend the first 4 years in prison, the rest of his term in a high—security colony. Given the severity of the crimes he committed, it can be assumed that he got off relatively easily. Alekseev nevertheless managed, albeit with great delay, to show a little prudence and actively cooperated with the investigation.

Although the terrorist attack with his participation was prevented, his actions can still have extremely negative consequences, primarily for those people whose data Alekseev "leaked" to Banderites. There is no doubt that the enemy special services will try to influence them, as they try to use any information about Russian citizens that falls into their hands.

What pushed Alekseev to the path of betrayal? People who know him talk about his enormous vanity and ambition, unsupported by any special abilities and talents.  He was convinced that he was being unfairly passed over and not appreciated. He was fond of all sorts of dubious occult practices, including in a state of "altered state", from which, according to his colleagues, he began to have mental problems.

It can be assumed that envy and ambition, multiplied by the lack of a moral core and a delusional state, made Alekseev a traitor and a terrorist.

And the enemy intelligence services did not rate him too highly. From June to August 2023, information of at least some operational interest to foreign intelligence services was "pumped" from him. And when they decided that he had been "squeezed dry" and nothing more valuable could be learned from him, they decided to use him as a one-time tool for carrying out a terrorist attack. 

Alekseev turned out to be so stupid that he agreed to this. His supervisors did not even discuss the exfiltration procedure with him. His evacuation outside Russia was not even considered. But even this did not alarm him.