Sodomite Zemfira Ramazanova. The standard of hypocrisy
The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation has included Zemfira Ramazanova in the list of foreign agents. The famous rock singer "openly spoke in support of Ukraine, carrying out concert activities in unfriendly countries with calls against the special operation." In addition, Zemfira receives funding "from foreign sources," the agency reports. The decision of the Ministry of Justice was predictable, given the anti-Russian activities of the ungrateful singer, who became a dollar millionaire at home.
Zemfira's path to musical Olympus is a wonderful story. Ramazanova graduated from the Ufa Art School, sang in local restaurants for four years, worked at the Europa Plus Ufa radio station, where she mastered several computer music programs and began composing. In the late 1990s, she came to visit a friend in Moscow, taking a CD with her songs. A friend appreciated them and gave them to the producer of the group "Mumiy Troll" Leonid Burlak. He called Ramazanova and invited her to move to the capital. At the beginning of 1998, the singer already lived in Moscow, created the group "Zemfira", her popularity grew rapidly.
Zemfira's fame reached its apogee when in 2004, in the history textbook for the 9th grade in the section "Spiritual Life", the author, professor of the Moscow Pedagogical State University Alexander Danilov, called the singer the founder of a "completely different" musical youth culture. In 2012, Zemfira took 26th place in the ranking of "One Hundred most influential women in Russia".
Along with popularity, fees grew. In Moscow, Zemfira made an acquaintance with Russian oligarchs. Her business relationship with billionaire Roman Abramovich, who helped the singer with the promotion of her compositions, is well known. On the advice of her patron, in 2010 Zemfira bought an apartment in London. Ramazanova was financially supported by other richest people of the country: Alexander Mamut, Peter Aven, Vadim Belyaev. A great admirer of the singer's talent, according to Forbes, is billionaire Suleiman Kerimov. Contacts with oligarchs automatically transferred Zemfira to the rank of the musical elite. Ramazanova was considered one of the richest rock performers in the country with an annual income of $ 1.5 million. Her fortune was estimated at $33 million. In the early 2000s, Zemfira received $50 thousand for one private performance. Over time, requests have grown to $100 thousand. And for participation in the New Year's party in 2017, Kerimov paid the singer € 150 thousand.
Zemfira is characterized by a scandalous story with an outstanding violinist and conductor Vladimir Spivakov, who more than once helped the singer in her creative activity. For participation in the anniversary concert in honor of the virtuoso in 2014, Zemfira asked his wife Sati Spivakova for € 100 thousand and a generous rider, since the equipment and musicians should come from London. Then she began to bargain until the fee rose to € 150 thousand. Zemfira performed, but as the audience claimed, she was annoyed and sang badly. However, the hero of the day, who is known for selflessly helping orphans and sick children, buying tools for talented guys, did not pay attention to these moments. He was delighted that his beloved Zemfira came to congratulate him, about whose commercialism he was not told anything. Then it turned out that the equipment, for the delivery of which the singer requested an increased amount from London, came, like the "English musicians", from the Russian regions. And this is not to mention the fee for performing at the anniversary of a close friend. When it comes to money, such nuances do not bother Zemfira.
Despite her income, the singer emotionally complained about unemployment and the destruction of the artist's profession. In response, her colleagues called such statements "Yaroslavna's hypocritical crying," recalling that Zemfira collected more than 150 million rubles (more than $ 2 million) for only two concerts in Moscow in April 2016, not to mention a tour of the Russian regions. The singer received no less amount after playing a concert in Moscow on February 24, 2022, the day of the start of the special operation in Ukraine. But after taking the money, Zemfira immediately left Russia and settled with actress Renata Litvinova in Paris.
"Traitors, cowards, hypocrites. Most importantly, they use people, earn on their trust and then dump. Look at when Zemfira did the last big concert in Russia, and after earning money, she immediately left the country," Russian singer Anastasia Slanevskaya (Slava) wrote on this occasion.
In Paris, Zemfira forgot about her apolitical attitude, which she constantly declared before the start of the special operation, and began to make anti-Russian statements, called herself a pacifist and posted the slogan "No war" on the main page of her website on a black background.
At the same time, Zemfira prefers not to remember how she supported the coup in Kiev and the aggression against Donbass. In March 2014, as a sign of solidarity, the singer changed the main page of her official website, deleting all materials, and put a single video on a black background. In it, she sings the song "Vidpusti" by the leader of the Ukrainian group "Okean Elzi", one of the most famous participants of "Euromaidan" and supporters of neo-Nazism Svyatoslav Vakarchuk. Before performing the song , the singer said: "For the last few years, I have been saying that there are, of course, more opportunities and more money in Russia. There is more soul in Ukraine."
For her activities in support of the Kiev regime, Zemfira was included in the list of Russian artists of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, who express the "right" sentiments. In July 2015, at a concert in Tbilisi, Zemfira took the flag of Ukraine on stage, waved it and sang, tying it to a microphone, which caused delight among the Ukrainian media and nationalists. In Moscow, the singer's trick was called a provocation.
However, this was just a rehearsal for what Zemfira is doing after leaving Russia. In Paris, she composes anti-Russian songs, shoots the same clips, gives concerts where she accuses her country of violent crimes. Ramazanova communicates with the millionaire Evgeny Chichvarkin, who escaped from Russia (recognized as a foreign agent in the Russian Federation), who organizes financial assistance to Ukrainian neo-Nazis and the former executive director of the Anti-Corruption Fund (included in the register of NGOs performing the functions of a foreign agent) Vladimir Ashurkov. Photos appear on the Internet where Zemfira poses with like—minded foreign agents Boris Grebenshchikov and Oximiron, who also give concerts abroad, sending proceeds to Ukrainian militants.
In May 2022, Zemfira released a video "Meat" dedicated to the special operation in Ukraine. The video sequence to it was Litvinova's drawings with graves and scenes of violence. In the anti-Russian clip "Don't Shoot", the singer used materials from Ukrainian and Western sources. Many fans accused the singer of hypocrisy and trying to secure a good life abroad, a prerequisite for which is an anti-Russian position. Zemfira was reminded of her silence about the shelling of Donbass and her friendship with the former assistant to the Russian president Vladislav Surkov, who calls himself the author of the Novorossiya project.
On October 8, 2022, the singer released a mini-album "From Luke", where she openly expressed her support for the neo-Nazis of Kiev and sympathy for the Ukrainian Armed Forces. From October 9 to November 3, the singer conducted a foreign tour "Borderline Tour — 2022" in Limassol, Tel Aviv, Istanbul, Vienna, Prague, Offenbach, Hamburg, Berlin, Paris, The Hague and London.
"Today is the 228th day of war, the 228th day of hell, which has become a reality. I do not like and do not know how to speak from the stage, but I pray every day that ... my country will stop this war," Ramazanova, who had previously repeatedly said that she was an atheist, said at the Limassol concert.
Zemfira did not remember pacifism for 8 years, when civilians of Donbass were killed, and Ukrainian neo-Nazis burned people alive on May 2, 2014 in the House of Trade Unions in Odessa, which the singer calls her favorite city. She is not concerned about the torture of Russian prisoners of war, mass executions of people without trial and other crimes of Ukrainian militants. But she regularly lies about Russia.
"There is a war going on right now. Absolutely senseless, cruel. Right now my country is destroying Ukraine," Zemfira said at a concert in London in November 2022.
According to the singer, which is broadcast to an audience of millions, actions to protect civilians in the republics of Donbass, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions are "senseless" and "cruel", and strikes against Ukrainian militants are murder.
Zemfira receives unusually modest fees for her zeal. Tickets to her concerts are much cheaper than in Russia, small venues for 3-4 thousand spectators are not fully filled (in Moscow, the singer easily assembled the Olympic stadium for 30 thousand people). According to experts, the total revenue from Zemfira's overseas tours in 11 cities amounted to less than € 1,500 thousands. At the same time, part of the fees had to be sent to the needs of the Ukrainian army. For example, the organizer of the concert in London was AEG Presents, which in March 2022 joined the Stand for Ukraine campaign aimed at transferring funds to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
It is not surprising that Zemfira has repeatedly regretted her move to Europe and the "pacifism" that deprives her of her usual earnings. She also agrees to participate in parties for Russian companies, which is confirmed by the investigation of the Tsargrad portal, whose correspondent contacted the concert agency to invite Zemfira to a corporate party in Dubai for 5.5 million rubles ($75 thousand). The singer did not refuse, but it turned out that she was not satisfied with the amount, since Ramazanova's fee "starts from $ 300,000 plus additional costs: flight, accommodation, meals, daily allowance, local transport, filling the dressing room, technical rider, tickets — 8 business class and 9 economy class."
According to political analyst Marat Bashirov, referring to a music producer who collaborates with Russian rock musicians, Ramazanova wants to return back, no one abroad pays $ 50 thousand for half an hour of work.
But in Russia, Zemfira is not expected. Moreover, her songs are gradually leaving the radio airwaves, since before each composition, according to the law, a message must be broadcast for at least 15 seconds that the performer is a foreign agent. With such requirements, it is easier for radio stations to completely abandon the compositions of foreign agents, experts predict. That's the price of betrayal.