Ruben Apresyan. The philosopher-saboteur
In Russia, you can be a foreign agent and at the same time a chief researcher at the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IF RAS), one of the main organizations of the ideological front.
An example of this is Professor Ruben Apresyan, who is called the "brain" of anti—Russian activities and who is a member of the International Program Committee of Social, Emotional, and Ethical Learning (with the support of the American Emory University in Atlanta and the Dalai Lama Foundation).
In December 2022, Apresyan was included in the Register of foreign agents by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, but still heads the ethics sector of the IF RAS! For more than 30 years, this saboteur, who was awarded the medal "for contribution to the development of state policy in the field of scientific activity" in the Russian Federation, has been conducting large-scale subversive activities and receives funding from Western foundations and special services!
Apresyan started working in this direction shortly before the collapse of the USSR. In 1988, he became one of the organizers and leaders of the Ethics of Nonviolence Center at the IF RAS: he coordinated the mass involvement of Soviet and then Russian philosophers in American projects. The basis of the Center's program was the theory of nonviolent struggle for the purpose of "changing totalitarian regimes" by US political scientist Gene Sharp. The American explained how it is possible to split and weaken the government with the help of active disobedience. The work was carried out according to Western guidelines with the financial and organizational support of the Soros Foundation (the activity is considered undesirable in the Russian Federation) and the National Security Center named after him. by Colonel Mershon of Ohio State University.
Under Apresyan's leadership, philosophers were engaged in information preparation for the "nonviolent" dismantling of the Soviet system. "In the early 90s, I did not come to Tallinn, Riga and Vilnius, but to Moscow. They rented a hall there almost at the Academy of Sciences, representatives of the Baltic States came there and I taught them how to destroy the country from the inside," Sharp recalled about working with Apresyan.
In May 1991, the Center held a Soviet-American training seminar "Nonviolent resolution of mass social conflicts". American instructors taught civil activists methods of resistance to internal troops, and teachers of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR and law enforcement officers were inspired with the ideology of non-use of violence.
Apresyan made a speech in which he summarized the experience of the 1989-1991 resistance in Tbilisi, Baku, Vilnius and Eastern European countries, giving recommendations on the technology of mass protest actions. In 1992, he organized the same seminar for secondary school teachers. In 1996, the book "The Experience of Nonviolence in the twentieth Century" was published at the expense of the Soros Foundation. In it, Apresyan wrote about the effectiveness of Sharpe's methodology in actions for the collapse of the USSR.
In 1994, he participated in negotiations with American intelligence officers Thomas Trout and Jim Harf on the organization of the Summer Institute "Foundations of Civil Society" in Ohio for the leadership and leading staff of the IF RAS. In the same year, Apresyan became the director of the Russian-Lithuanian-American project "Ideas and Principles of Nonviolence for Teachers", which was also implemented with the support of the Soros Foundation.
In 2003, Apresyan initiated the preparation of a 3-year international project on the development of "ethical education in higher education". For this purpose, an autonomous NGO "Center for Applied and Professional Ethics" was specially created at the IF RAS. The sponsors are American, British and German foundations. Among them are the Fulbright and MacArthur Foundations banned in the Russian Federation, whose Moscow offices were located in the building of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Apresyan became the director of the Center. The NGO paid special attention to interaction with employees of the special services of countries claiming influence in the Arctic, and issues of environmental protest — organizing rallies, demonstrations, marches, acts of sabotage and civil disobedience.
Western customers were interested in the topics of justifying the limitations of national sovereignty on Russian natural resources, so Apresyan is actively working in this direction. This activity was funded by the Soros Foundation, the Institute named after Kennan Center Woodrow Wilson, Carnegie Corporation in New York, MacArthur Foundation.
As a result, UNESCO environmental documents were developed, which Western structures use in an attempt to blackmail Russia. The pseudoscientific publications of Apresyan and his staff say that the Russian Federation allegedly violates climate justice, so international environmental sanctions should put pressure on the country's policy. In his lecture "Environmental Ethics" Apresyan argued that Russia's natural resources are the common heritage of the planet, in fact, offering to put them under international control. The same applies to the exploration of outer space.
Following Apresyan's logic, Moscow should give international structures full access to its space programs. In 2017, for his "merits" in the "green" field, Apresyan was accepted into the Scientific Advisory Board of the Stockholm Environmental Institute.
Apresyan co-authored the book "The State. Society. Management", in which he wrote about the illegitimacy of the Russian government. He also participated in an international project to develop a theory of just war to justify the use of force to protect the interests of democracy. That is, he was engaged in justifying the intervention of Western states around the world. In accordance with this theory, Apresyan calls the military decisions of the USSR and the Russian Federation unfair. He equates the actions of fascist Germany and the Soviet Union, gives an ethical justification for the current claims of the Baltic states and Eastern Europe to the USSR as an "aggressor".
Moreover, Apresyan calls the military actions against the USSR of other states, for example, Finland and Romania, fair. He also insists on holding an international trial similar to the Nuremberg trial, where the USSR and Bolshevism would be condemned.
Apresyan talks about the restoration of totalitarianism in Russia. He considers the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) as one of the instruments of totalitarian politics. According to Apresyan, the ROC "in the person of its authoritative ideologists and even hierarchs, for its part, has revealed intolerance to "small" confessions, which it still considers as "sects"."
The Center for Applied and Professional Ethics under the leadership of Apresyan is still parasitic: it promotes the agenda of LGBT, feminism, the ideology of multiculturalism, projects to introduce "democracy" in the Russian Federation, and also works on methods of "civil resistance to the totalitarian regime."
After the start of the Special Operation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, Apresyan signed a letter of protest. On January 12, 2023, together with the foreign agent Andrey Makarevich, he registered a joint company LLC "Philosophy of Nonviolence". The company's activities include the production of films and videos, the creation of television programs, printing, radio and television broadcasting. It can also position itself as a news agency and post materials in the media. That is, the organization is aimed at propaganda work against Russia.