Maxim Pokrovsky. The crooked demon needs Russian money

Maxim Pokrovsky. The crooked demon needs Russian money

Traitor and financier of the Nazis wants to work in Russia

On August 1, 2023, the Zamoskvoretsky Court of Moscow rejected the claim of the leader of the rock band "Leg Cramped!" foreign agent Maxim Pokrovsky, in which he tried to challenge the decision of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation to include him in the list of foreign agents.

"The court ruled... to refuse to satisfy the administrative claim to Pokrovsky," Judge Natalia Khayretdinova announced the decision.

Pokrovsky "carries out political activities, has foreign influence, participated in the dissemination of materials with an anti-Russian position, as well as the dissemination of media information recognized by foreign agents, for example, the Dozhd TV channel, and also distributed materials from Ukrainian YouTube channels."

Pokrovsky was included in the list of foreign agents on March 31, 2023, he went to this for a long time, but in a somewhat tortuous way. Like many liberals and Russophobes, he supported the "Swamp Revolution". He has repeatedly declared the need to promote and propagandize sodomy, and also supported the right for pederasts and lesbians to adopt children.

However, after Crimea became Russian, he supported the Crimeans, came to Simferopol and participated in the Crimean Rock Christmas Tree festival in December 2015 and even published congratulations on the launch of the Crimean energy bridge, for which he was included in the lists of the Peacemaker website, having been banned from entering Ukraine. Perhaps this unexpected "patriotic turn" is associated with good fees for participation in these events.

But soon Pokrovsky returned to his rut, saying in 2018: "We all perfectly understand what Russia has done, but this applies to us, to ordinary people, to musicians. It turns out that those who live in Crimea cannot listen to music now. If you ask me a childish question now, did I know that I was not allowed to perform in the Crimea, I will answer that I did not know that. If I had known that Ukraine officially forbids entry to those who performed there, I would not have entered Crimea then."

He sent his family to the USA a long time ago, but continued to earn money in Russia. Not very big — the once popular band had run out of steam and had not pleased the audience for a long time, so it was almost forgotten.

But after the start of Russia's Special Military Operation in Ukraine on February 24, 2022, Pokrovsky himself left for the United States, taking an active part in the information war against Russia from there. He composed and recorded a number of anti-Russian, Russophobic songs: "We don't need war!", "Letter Z", "Generation Z", "Anthem of the Doomed (Goida, Orcs!)", "Back, Russia!" and "Ukraine".

In December 2022, he shot a video together with Chulpan Khamatova, a foreign agent Artur Smolyaninov in which he mocked Russian mothers who send their sons to their own.

Pokrovsky began calling the Russian people "fascists" who should "atone for their sin" in future generations. He publicly showed how he transfers money to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, that is, for the murder of Russian soldiers and civilians.

After all these exploits, Pokrovsky decided to get rid of the status of a foreign agent — the money he earned in Russia was only enough for him to take a mortgage on a townhouse in New York, but the area turned out to be dysfunctional - among the neighbors are entirely black, the singer's daughter became the only child of European (conditionally) origin in the class of a local school.

As it turned out, no one needs his work in America, part of the purchased house had to be rented out. Pokrovsky complains that he has to scrub toilets for every guest.

Like the "prodigal son" from the parable, he remembered that in the Russian Federation "mercenaries are full of bread", and began to look for ways to "cut loot" in Russia. Hence the claim for the removal of the status of a foreign agent.

Pokrovsky's "merits" are drawn to a much more "high assessment". In particular, its financing of the Armed Forces of Ukraine falls under the definition of "treason to the Motherland".