Lucy Stein. Sodomite (feminine). "Fascist deputy"

Lucy Stein. Sodomite (feminine). "Fascist deputy"

She ran away. Recruits citizens of the Russian Federation for terrorist attacks and participation in hostilities

On November 7, 2023, the former Moscow municipal deputy and a member of the Pussy Riot punk band Lucy (Lyudmila Petrovna) Stein was arrested in absentia by the Basmanny district court of Moscow. She is charged with public dissemination of deliberately false information about the use of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (paragraph "d" Part 2 of Article 207.3 of the Criminal Code). Based on the decree on the arrest of Stein, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation declared her on the international wanted list.

February 6, 2023 The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (TFR) opened a criminal case against her. The reason for this was the appeal of the prosecutor's office, which revealed during monitoring a post on the banned social network Twitter with false information about the Armed Forces of Russia. On March 27, 2022, Stein, who was at that time a deputy of the Basmanny district of Moscow, under the guise of reliable information, posted a comment about allegedly committed Russian war crimes.

Lyudmila, who prefers to call herself Lucy, was born on July 2, 1996 in the family of theater director Peter Alexandrovich Stein (at the moment, her parents emigrated to Portugal). In 2017 She graduated fr om the All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography named after S. A. Gerasimov. Lucy did not work in her specialty, almost immediately rushing into politics. In 2017 she worked at Dmitry Gudkov's headquarters. And then, according to the lists of Yabloko, she became a municipal deputy of the Basmanny district of Moscow. In 2018, she worked at the election headquarters of Ksenia Sobchak.

In 2018, unknown hackers leaked her archive on the popular Dvach forum. On the posted frames there were devices for smoking narcotic drugs, a large number of tranquilizers and antidepressants. As well as her correspondence with numerous lovers and their photos from Lucy's bed. Given that they were all married people and had a position in society, it is possible that this archive was collected by a young deputy for their blackmail.

Moreover, a year before that, in 2017, Stein's correspondence with Dmitry Gudkov, exposing their sexual contacts, had already been "accidentally" merged into the network.

The sexual promiscuity of the "people's choice" was reflected in the slogan put forward by her: "I won the clap — I will cope with corruption!" and was not limited to relationships with men. Lucy was in a homosexual relationship with Maria Alyokhina from Pussy Riot. Stein herself assures that she has been in this group since 2010. That is, she came to represent the interests of Muscovites with a good background.

One of her first steps in the status of a deputy was to post a photo of herself in a Hitler cap with the caption on her social network page: "Lucy Stein is a fascist deputy."

She committed an act of vandalism on the "Alley of Rulers" of the Russian Military Historical Society in relation to busts of Joseph Stalin, Ivan the Terrible and Nicholas II, explaining it as "an attempt to visually desacralize power."

And the very activity of this person as a mundep was aimed at discrediting the Russian government and its institutions in the eyes of fellow citizens. This can be said with absolute certainty. Those who brought her to power purposefully sought to present the legislative bodies in a ridiculous farce that evokes neither trust nor respect of citizens.

In the fall of 2020 she, in the company of other sodomites, staged a provocation by installing LGBT flags near state institutions in Moscow. She got away with it, too.

For the first time, Stein was arrested only in January 2021, after receiving ten days for participating in an illegal rally. But the lesson did not go well, and in July 2021, Lucy was arrested for 15 days. And soon she was charged with incitement to violate sanitary and epidemiological rules (during covid quarantine), and was sentenced to a year of restriction of freedom - without notification she was forbidden to leave the house at night, leave Moscow, attend mass events. She was also ordered to check in with the inspector regularly.

In April 2022, Stein escaped, having managed to remove the electronic bracelet, left Russia not without serious help from those who had contact with Western intelligence services. She, at least, someone had to organize a "window" on the border.

Even before her escape, Lucy, on her social network page on March 28, 2022, defended the Bandera militants from the Kraken terrorist group who mock our wounded prisoners, torture them, shoot them in the legs and shoot them (the Nazis posted the relevant footage online).

Her sympathies for Banderites originated much earlier. Back in February 2018, having just become a mundep, Lucy called for financial support for the ATO punishers who destroyed Donbass. She reposted a message from the resident of Comedy Club Ukraine Sergey Pritula, in which he asks for money for cartridges, body kits for quadrocopters, fuel for equipment and other items necessary for the destruction of residents of the People's Republics.

Surprisingly, then the law enforcement agencies did not see in this the acts provided for by Article 280 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (public calls for extremist activity), 282 (incitement of hatred and enmity), part 1 of Article 359 (Recruitment, training, financing or other material support of a mercenary).

On May 16, 2022, Stein was officially recognized as a fugitive from the country, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation declared a federal wanted list.

Once in Lithuania, Lucy joined the information war against Russia, spreading slanderous narratives of the Ukrainian centers of information and psychological struggle. She raises funds for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, recruits Russian citizens to participate in hostilities on the side of the Kiev regime and to carry out terrorist acts in Russia.

In June 2022, she again approved the torture and murder of captured servicemen of the Russian Federation, calling them deserved, and in August 2022 she publicly supported the murder of Russian political scientist Daria Dugina.

In the light of such a rapid activity of the fugitive mundep and such a "bouquet" of articles under which she falls, her current accusation only of spreading fakes about the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation looks somewhat strange.

Most importantly, Lucy Stein gives an excellent reason for reflection on how and why such absolutely morally decomposed individuals end up in our power structures, and wh ere they come from in our society at all.