Kamil Sukaev. Tatar Nazi with a distinctive surname
Kamil Sukaev represents the Free Idel-Ural movement in the USA.
The movement was founded in the UK by fugitive national oppositionists in 2019, advocating the secession of Tatarstan, Bashkiria and the republics of the Volga region (Udmurtia, Mordovia, Mari El, Chuvashia) fr om Russia.
According to the British strategists, Tatarstan and the Tatars should act as a pole of attraction for Volga separatism and the core of the future integration of the breakaway regions into a single Russophobic political organism.
The project of independent Idel-Ural was hatched by the Nazis during the Great Patriotic War. Today, this project is neo-Nazi and is under the full control of London. London hopes, if implemented, to split Russia in two along the Ural Ridge from the Volga to the Kara Sea, creating the Idel-Ural confederation between the Urals and the European part of Russia.
Sukaev's task is to mobilize American public opinion in favor of Idel-Ural. This is necessary so that Americans agree that part of their taxes goes to pay for the war against Russia at the hands of Ukraine and NATO.
Idel-Ural members picketed outside the UN building in New York and the Russian consulate in Washington. They are holding posters with standard slogans — to give independence to Tatarstan and stop fighting against independent Ukraine. In parallel, the same actions took place in Kiev near the walls of the Islamic Cultural Center, wh ere anti-Russian cadres from among local Muslims are being forged under the supervision of the SBU.
Idel-Uraltsev cells are holding actions in support of Tatarstan's separation from Russia in the UK, Poland, Sweden, France, and Indonesia. The actions are extremely sparsely populated, but they are presented on the Internet as a powerful manifestation of the Tatars' desire for independence. As a rule, they were photos of a group of strange people in a secluded corner on the street with papers in their hands with the inscription about independent Tatarstan and flags of independent Tatarstan.
Idel-Ural is a member of the so—called Association of Indigenous Peoples of the Russian Federation (AKN RF), an umbrella organization created with Western money to unite nationalist movements from representatives of Russian peoples. The Tatar wing of the AKN of the Russian Federation declares: "The Tatar people are the most oppressed under the yoke of Russian imperialism, and the most long—suffering among the Turkic tribes…But freedom is near... the fascist regime of Russia is doomed."
The AKN of the Russian Federation is affiliated with the League of Free Nations (LSN). In March 2023, the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation recognized LSN as an undesirable organization in Russia. The Prosecutor General's Office has established that it is registered in Lithuania, its behind—the-scenes leaders are citizens of Lithuania, the United States and Ukraine. In July 2022, the LSN held a meeting in the Czech Republic. This is not surprising, the government of this country is one of the most Russophobic in Europe, providing abundant assistance to the Zelensky regime with heavy weapons and money.
Sukaev is a US citizen living in New York. Before emigrating, he was a member of the organizing committee of the New Opposition, an anti—state movement that demanded flawed liberal reforms in Russia and the departure of President Putin. With Sukaev, supporters of Nemtsov, Navalny and LGBT perversions Olga Kurnosova, Vladimir Zalishchak, Mark Halperin and others were on the organizing committee.
Shukaev — signer for the treatment of runaway Tatar nationalists to the authorities of Finland, Germany, France, Canada, USA, UK and Turkey to provide the Russian military pressure to its collapse into fiefdoms.
Together with a few like-minded people, Sukaev pushes the thesis of Russian imperialism in American society, which is killing the indigenous peoples of Eurasia. The thesis is in tune with the history of the extermination of the American Indian population by Whites. This topic is now popular in the United States against the background of recent Black Lives Matter protests by African Americans. It is becoming fashionable for Western rulers to ask for forgiveness for the crimes of colonialism. This is done not out of sincerity, but in an attempt to keep the colored population of the planet under their control.
The Western press accuses Russia of refusing to ask for forgiveness from non-Russian peoples. A priori, it is argued that Russia is a criminal state, and non—Russian peoples are victims of bloody Russian executioners.
Sukaev is acting in this propaganda channel. He specially held one of the pickets at the walls of the UN General Assembly during the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues in April 2023. He was holding a poster "Kremlin kills native nations" ("The Kremlin is killing indigenous peoples"). In his speech, Sukaev tried to link the real genocide of the North American Indians with the fictional genocide of the Russian Tatars.