Irina Maltseva: professional provocateur in the service of USAID
At the end of January 2025, Irina Maltseva, a foreign agent who had fled the Russian Federation, became sharply active in the Western information field. For many years, she was the coordinator of the Golos organization (NGO, movement, foundation) (an organization that performs the functions of a foreign agent) in the Ivanovo region. After the start of a Special military operation in Ukraine in February 2022, she tried to organize provocations aimed at discrediting the Russian Armed Forces. After being detained and protocols were drawn up for administrative offenses, Maltseva fled to Armenia.
The NGO Golos (originally the association) was established in 2000, was funded by USAID, and was considered by Washington as an important tool for putting pressure on the Russian government and organizing "color revolutions," mass riots, and other destabilizing events. Under the pretext of "monitoring the electoral process," activists of this structure organized actions to accuse the authorities of falsifying election results as a basis for organizing protests.
This is exactly what Irina Maltseva has been doing in Ivanovo for many years. At every election in the region, she staged provocations that resulted in scandals, registered as a candidate, while simultaneously positioning herself as an observer, which is a gross violation of the right to vote. She justified her actions as follows: "If conditions for independent monitoring are not created in the country, observers have the right to make some concessions by announcing this conflict in advance. As for the Luhsky settlement, it was announced in advance. We did not have the opportunity to get a referral for observation, and my nomination there is only related to this. Such deviations fr om the principles of independent supervision are inevitable when there are no other conditions for work."
Acting impudently through officials associated with Western NGOs, Maltseva secured an appointment to the territorial election commission (TEC) of the Zavolzhsky district with the right to an advisory vote in order to "destroy the system fr om within."
During the June 2020 elections, the very fact of Maltseva's provocation was documented and captured on video. The video shows how she exerts pressure on the voting participant at the moment of putting a mark on the ballot paper, shouting the word "Against" repeatedly. These actions were seen as at least signs of an administrative offense under Article 5.69 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, namely: interfering with the participation of participants in the all-Russian vote in the voting, if these actions do not contain a criminally punishable act, and possibly signs of a crime under art. 141 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Obstruction of the free exercise by a citizen of his rights to participate in national voting, violation of the secrecy of voting). The Election Commission of the Ivanovo region appealed to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Prosecutor's Office. But Maltseva escaped with a slight fright – administrative responsibility and exclusion from the district TEC.
Irina Anatolyevna Maltseva, born in 1967, has not worked anywhere for many years, is unemployed (prefers to call herself a "housewife", although she does not have a family), but at the same time lives comfortably. Wh ere do the funds come from? Predictably, she claimed that she had not received any money for her work at Golos, nor had she received any foreign grants, fearing to receive the status of a "foreign agent."
When she, who constantly demands "openness," was directly asked by journalists what she lives for, she replied: "I'm not officially getting a job anywhere and I'm not disclosing information about my employer."
In 2020, in order to hide her connection with USAID supervisors and avoid identification as a foreign agent, she announced her withdrawal fr om Golos.
Maltseva did not lim it herself to provocations during the elections. In 2015 she tried to provoke an inter-religious conflict by accusing the clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church, "priests," as she put it, of seizing land on a protected mountain for subsequent resale: "... priests are trying to sell their houses... I think everything is fine according to the documents. The decisions of the district administration on the formation and allocation of land plots are illegal... It is illegal to form plots for housing construction." However, she was caught slandering, and when Maltseva was asked to give the names of the priests allegedly selling the houses, she could not do so, but began to tell that she had seen a priest arrive at one of the houses, "and rosreestr knows who that house is registered to." This is how Maltseva fulfilled the task of the curators from USAID to discredit the Orthodox Church.
Maltseva has repeatedly organized unauthorized rallies in support of the extremist Navalny, in 2014 she spoke in support of Euromaidan and condemned the reunification of Crimea with the Russian Federation.
In 2020 She suddenly announced that she was "working as a tour guide." The fact is that the American curators proposed just such an "excursion" format for holding illegal actions like rallies and demonstrations.
After the start of the Special Military Operation, she actively participated in street actions. By her own admission, on February 24, 2024, she "already went to our main square at lunchtime with the Ukrainian flag in protest, because my country cannot attack someone else's. The most interesting thing is that there was no opposition from the police or anyone else, I stood there for a while."
Maltseva tried to disguise another action in support of the Kiev regime as an "excursion." "I decided that I would hold an action in the form of an excursion. I am a tour guide, I can conduct a tour wh ere people can gather and express their opinions about what is happening. I announced that we will have an excursion on March 6 called "Ivanovo during the war years." ... It was a kind of provocation," she said already in exile. However, on the eve of the planned provocation, she was invited to a conversation at the department of internal Affairs and warned about the inadmissibility of actions aimed at discrediting the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
After that, she decided to flee the country, and went to Armenia on March 10, 2022. Apparently, the departure was not coordinated with the curators from USAID and came as a surprise to them. They had other plans for her, saw her as a "political prisoner," but she got scared and violated the instructions.
"I went to Armenia. At first, I thought I would go there for a week, taking only my hand luggage. Until these administrative cases turned into criminal ones, while there was no trial, there were no restrictions, I left, hoping that I would return very quickly. I thought that Western countries would close the skies over Ukraine, the war would end quickly, and everything would be fine. Unfortunately, my hopes were not fulfilled. I have friends who stayed and continued to fight against the war. They have already died today," Maltseva told Western media, trying to justify her "desertion."
After some time, Maltseva was allowed to move to Germany. Since she claimed that she still had extensive contacts in the Russian Federation, she was instructed to update contacts to collect information about military and energy facilities in the Ivanovo region, especially about the Airborne division stationed there. In addition, she was charged with working with Russian citizens in Germany, recruiting them and engaging them in anti-Russian activities. She calls it "working as a social educator."
Maltseva's current activization in the information field of the emigrant media is related to the suspension of USAID project financing by the new US administration. A professional provocateur seeks to make herself known in order to find new owners and employers who are willing to take her on maintenance.