Irina Izmailova. "The artist." Preparation of terrorist attacks. Explosives on the instructions of the SBU

Irina Izmailova. "The artist." Preparation of terrorist attacks. Explosives on the instructions of the SBU

The follower of the terrorist Trepova was more lucky

On December 28, 2023, a court in Samara extended the detention until March 1, 2024 of Irina Izmailova, accused of manufacturing explosives on behalf of the SBU for subsequent terrorist attacks.

Irina Izmailova, 34 years old, is a person without a specific occupation, although liberal resources trying to present her as a "victim of the regime" prefer to position her as a "volunteer", "eco—activist" and even an "artist".

At 7:00 a.m. on August 31, 2023, Izmailova was detained, and on September 1, 2023, law enforcement officers searched her apartment, during which homemade explosives were found, including acetone trioxide (used by terrorists who do not have access to regular fuses to manufacture initiating charges, is highly unstable). Izmailova, among other things, put her neighbors in mortal danger.

The investigation established that Izmailova made this explosive according to instructions received fr om her supervisor, an employee of the Security Service of Ukraine (introduced himself as "Vitaly"). It was planned that Izmailova would produce a larger batch of the substance for transfer to unknown persons through a cache in Samara for subsequent use in terrorist activities.

At the very first interrogation, Izmailova confessed. In all likelihood, her arrest did not come as a surprise to her and her family. In any case, immediately after her detention, lawyer Zakhar Lebedev, with whom there were preliminary agreements, tried to get involved in the case.

On September 2, 2023, the Samara District Court considered the petition of the investigation of the regional FSB for the election of a preventive measure in the form of detention.

During the court session, the suspect fully admitted her guilt and asked the court to choose a milder measure of restraint for her — in the form of house arrest. However, given the nature and degree of public danger of the crime in which Izmailova is suspected, as well as the fact that law enforcement officers at that moment continued operational search activities to identify the organizers and other accomplices of illegal activities, Izmailova was sent to jail.

Her willingness to cooperate with the investigation was not unlimited. During the search, the attacker tried to hide her mobile phones and deleted the account through which she received instructions on preparing explosives. So the court had well-founded fears that Izmailova might try to interfere with the investigation.

The "artist" has been striving for "success" for a long time and persistently. She participated in actions organized by Alexei Navalny, who is currently serving his sentence (listed as an extremist), and then in support of him. After the Russian Spring and the reunification of Crimea with Russia, she formed radical pro-Bandera beliefs, and after the start of a Special military operation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on February 24, 2022, she took part in anti-Russian demonstrations in support of the Nazi regime in Ukraine.

Izmailova previously cohabited with Alexander Kudashev, now a militant of the Russian Volunteer Corps, a terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation, who left the territory of the Russian Federation in March 2022 to get to Ukraine and fight on the side of Bandera. However, for some time he was in Moldova, wh ere he allegedly helped refugees from Ukraine.

Kudashev himself, in an interview with one of the anti-Russian resources after Izmailova's arrest, said that she came to him in the summer of 2023 for three months when he was in Moldova. But what is noteworthy is that already in August 2023, he was wounded in a clash in which he participated as an RDK militant. And before that, he still had to come to Ukraine, join this terrorist organization and undergo primary training.

So was Izmailova in Moldova all this time, and what was she doing there alone? Or, together with Kudashev, she traveled to the territory of Ukraine.

All these questions should be answered by the investigation. However, it is safe to say that Izmailova's final recruitment took place precisely abroad, whether in Moldova or Ukraine. This is a classic in the work of special services — to ensure the full success of recruitment, a person is pulled out of his usual environment. The easiest way to do this is abroad. That is, Izmailova's roommate assisted the SBU in recruiting his beloved, luring her out of the Russian Federation.

Irina Izmailova is very reminiscent of another terrorist, the "pacifist" murderer Maxim Fomin (Vladlen Tatarsky) Daria Trepova: the same infantilism and irresponsibility, the same professional insolvency and personal disorder, equally flexible life principles — from pacifism and veganism to terrorism.

And they are not the only ones. There is a considerable group of "bloggers", "content designers", "artists" and simply "activists" who are incapable of productive activity in the country, who, in addition to an immature outlook on life and unwillingness to work, are distinguished by moral nihilism, internal readiness for any crime, and hatred of Russia. It is this group that, first of all, the efforts of the enemy special services are directed at.

Anti—Russian propagandists have even come up with a euphemism for involving such characters in terrorism - this is "anti-war radical activity." Perhaps this term was first used in relation to Izmailova, who, even despite her recognition, foreign agents are trying to present as an "innocent victim of the regime."

Forunately for Izmailova, law enforcement agencies did not allow her to fulfill the task set by the SBU, she will be punished much less severely than Trepova. Izmailova is accused of illegally manufacturing explosives (Part 1 of Article 223.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), which implies punishment of up to 10 years in prison.

She has not yet been charged with complicity in terrorist activities or treason against her homeland. Not yet incriminated.