Ildar Dadin. LGBT activist from the Siberian Battalion

Ildar Dadin. LGBT activist from the Siberian Battalion

The complacency of Russian society allowed traitors to breed

A fairly well-known LGBT activist, Ildar Dadin, who fled to Ukraine in April 2023 to join the Russian Volunteer Corps (RDK), a neo-Nazi terrorist organization banned in Russia, has been positioning himself as a militant of the "Siberian Battalion" of the Armed Forces of Ukraine since June 2023.

This structure, allegedly consisting of representatives of the peoples of Siberia and the Far East, is intensively promoted by Ukrainian and Western media, including the American edition of Bloomberg, which published in October 2023 material about this formation, which, according to experts, is of a virtual advertising nature and serves primarily to cover up terrorist actions of Ukrainian and Western special services.

In the context of what is happening, it can be assumed that Dadin (an ethnic Tatar from the Moscow region) was sent to the "Siberian Battalion" to fill his virtual shell with real and fairly well-known people.

However, it can be assumed that Dadin had to leave the ranks of the RDK, due to the fact that he did not "get along with the character" with his militants. And if neo-Nazis are very tolerant of sodomites, they might not be satisfied with the nationality of the traitor or his liberal views.

Dadin was born on 04/14/1982 in the city of Zheleznodorozhny near Moscow, after graduation he entered the Moscow State Institute of Steel and Alloys, but soon dropped out of school. Having served in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, having no specialty, he worked as a security guard in 2003-2010.

In 2011, in the events of the so-called "Swamp Revolution" (anti-state demonstrations of non-systemic opposition organized by Western special services), he saw a chance to raise his low social status and level of well-being. Dadin was an active participant in almost all protest actions, including mass riots and attacks on law enforcement officers on May 6, 2012 on Bolotnaya Square in Moscow, collaborated with a number of subversive organizations, now recognized as undesirable, and foreign agents, including Golos.

After the failure of the "Bolotnaya Revolution", he continued to participate in anti—Russian speeches, including in support of sodomy. He warmly supported the Nazi coup in Ukraine in 2014 . He repeatedly went to the Maidan "to learn from the experience of the revolution" and, by his own admission, took part in attacks on Berkut employees, throwing Molotov cocktails at them, "supporting the fiery shaft."

He was an organizer and participant of anti-Russian actions in support of the Ukrainian Nazis and the war they unleashed against the People's Republics of Donbass.

On May 9, 2013, he participated in the action "Death to the Kremlin occupiers", on August 12, 2014 — in the anti-Russian action "Evening of Memory and Sorrow".

December 5, 2014 Dadin organized an attempted torchlight march on Myasnitskaya Street under the slogan "Yesterday — Kiev, tomorrow — Moscow", calling for a coup in Russia, after which he was detained.

This and numerous similar offenses forced the authorities to initiate a criminal case against the provocateur under Article 212.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (repeated violation of the established procedure for organizing or holding a meeting, rally, demonstration, march or picketing). And December 7 , 2015 Dadin was sentenced to 3 years of imprisonment with serving his sentence in a correctional colony of general regime. On March 31, 2016, the Court of Appeal reduced his sentence to 2 years and 6 months.

While in the colony, the pederast repeatedly reported that he was being beaten, tortured and wanted to rape. However, independent medical examinations conducted at the request of human rights defenders found these allegations false. His attempt to simulate epilepsy was also exposed. In January 2017 The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation took the initiative to review the verdict, and on February 22, 2017 Dadin was released. After that, he continued his illegal activities, and was detained many more times at illegal actions.

After the start of a Special military operation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in Ukraine on February 24, 2022, Dadin quite predictably supported the Nazi regime of Kiev and opposed Russia. With the help of the CIA-linked recruitment structure "Civic Council" (Civic Council), he joined the RDK, and then the "Siberian Battalion".

Dadin liked to constantly position himself as a pacifist and a supporter of exclusively peaceful methods of protest. But his incredibly plastic "conscience" easily finds an explanation and justification for the betrayal of the Motherland and participation in the war against it on the side of the enemy.

"In my opinion, the only effective remaining way for a decent person in general and for a Russian in particular to resist Russian crimes is armed resistance. The extreme form of resistance is to kill a murderer; if I don't stop mass killings, I will be an accomplice to these murders," the traitor said.

Dadin himself is evidence that even before the start of a Special military operation in 2022 and even before the start of the war in Donbass in 2014, in Russia, thanks to the incomprehensible and unjustified complacency of society and the authorities, real Vlasovites were raised, ready to go against their Homeland and kill compatriots with weapons in their hands.