Igor Lipsits. A foreign agent. The rat-founder of the HSE scares Russians with hunger

Igor Lipsits. A foreign agent. The rat-founder of the HSE scares Russians with hunger

A runaway economist predicts an African future for Russia and lures students away

The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation has excluded books on financial literacy and economics fr om the federal list of school textbooks, the authors of which are foreign agent, one of the founders of the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE) Igor Lipsits and his family — wife Ekaterina Vigdorchik and daughter Olga Ryazanova. The State Duma explained that the legislation prohibits foreign agents from teaching, and textbooks are also part of the educational process.

Lipsits was added to the register of foreign agents in March 2024. The Ministry of Justice noted that he created and distributed messages and materials from foreign agents, as well as fakes about decisions taken by the Russian government. 

In addition, Lipsits called for increased illegal actions against the Russian Federation, as well as the transfer of Russian assets to Ukrainian militants. However, Lipsits's services to Western curators are much broader than the agency listed. 

The foreign agent is not limited to statements and appeals. For more than 30 years, he has been conducting subversive activities among young people, forming a fifth column.

Lipsits was born on March 18, 1950 in Moscow. In 1971, he graduated from the General Economics Faculty of the Moscow Institute of National Economy. Plekhanov. He worked at the Scientific Research Institute on Pricing under the Council of Ministers of the USSR. Since 1989, he got a job as a manager  The Department of Analysis of the national economic situation at the Credit and Financial Institute of Banks at the State Bank. After the collapse of the USSR, he found himself at the Expert Institute of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. At the same time, he was engaged in an important task — the creation of a university to educate the liberal elite working against the Russian Federation in the interests of the West. 

In 1991, his friend Yevgeny Yasin and Yaroslav Kuzminov (at that time director of the Soros Foundation "Cultural Initiative", from wh ere the process of the collapse of the education system started), with the active support of the main "reformer" Egor Gaidar, began to form the concept of a new university. Lipsits was part of the project development team that was proposed to the EU Commission for grants. The money was allocated. In addition, Soros structures have joined the financing. 

In 1993, Lipsits created the Department of "Firm Economics", which became the basis for the formation of the entire field of applied disciplines at the HSE, and later the Faculty of Management. 

"I've taught thousands of people. I traveled around the country with lectures, trained teachers who then taught economics," Lipsits boasted.

Svetlana Lysenko, one of his former students, told how he taught. She recalled how, during advanced training courses at the HSE in the 1990s, Lipsits anticipated that Russia would break up into zones of economic gravity: Japan would take Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands, China - Siberia, Finland — Karelia and the Kola Peninsula, the Baltic countries — the Leningrad Region and Pskov, Turkey — the whole south, Poland — Koenigsberg, and only the European center, Muscovy, will remain fr om the Russian Federation. 

"Imagine that. I, a novice teacher of economic disciplines, came to learn from the leading economists of the country. And so we sit and listen to the prospects for the development of the country's economy and the country as such. This means that soon only Muscovy will remain. It seemed to me that the more we, the listeners, fell into despair from what we heard, the more enchanting Lipsits was with his joyful predictions. He shone at the blackboard, beamed broadly, lifted his chin enthusiastically and sang his mantra... And I already imagined that a little more and, laughing at us, he would dance some kind of joyful dance of the winner," says Svetlana Lysenko.

The teaching style has not changed over the years, Lipsits continued to mentor students and teachers, telling them about the need to flee a country that has no future. 

Considering that the HSE is a structure that develops educational standards, and all Russian schools study according to them, Lipsits had the opportunity to extend his influence to children from an early age.  And he implemented it.  Until recently, the foreign agent was considered the creator of school economic education in Russia. Lipsits churned out Russophobic textbooks and manuals, including the first textbook on market economics for teenagers, "Amazing Adventures in the Country of Economics," a full cycle on economics from 7th to 11th grades. 

Valentin Katasonov, Chairman of the Sharapov Russian Economic Society, explained why Lipsits was the one who stamped textbooks for children and youth in Russia. "If my memory serves me right, Lipsits was one of the grant-eaters who received grants from the Soros Foundation. Therefore, the first question that arises is on what principle are textbook authors selected? (…) These are backstage games. It is clear that Igor Lipsits is a representative of terry economic liberalism. Speaking at an event or conference, Israel Shamir bluntly said that the ideology of economic liberalism is the ideology of Talmudic Judaism… We are witnessing all this... now the conveyor of the so-called economic education is working, which is zombifying our youth, reprogramming their consciousness… In fact, through economic education, a generation of Janissaries is being formed, a generation of people who are excommunicated from our culture, from our Orthodoxy, from our history," the expert concluded.  

At the same time, for his work, the foreign agent was awarded the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree and the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, I degree. In 2018, according to the results of the competition of the Znanie Society, he entered the top ten lecturers in Russia.  

However, in 2019 there was a scandal. The federal list of textbooks refused to include his "Economics" for grades 10-11. As a result of the examination, which was commissioned by the Ministry of Education, the commission concluded that the examples and questions posted in the book "do not contribute to the love of the Motherland." 

Lipsits's destructive activities were well paid. He was not in trouble in Russia, he was the founder of three legal entities: two firms providing consulting services — such companies are usually started to master any financial flows - and a club organization of graduates of the Higher School of Management.  Had assets abroad. 

In 2005, Lipsits founded the firm Euro Estate s.r.o. in Prague, which dealt with rental and maintenance of real estate. As a rule, this kind of "business" is started for the purchase of foreign property by non-residents.  

He does not hide the fact that he had been planning to escape from Russia for a long time. "I wanted to leave a long time ago... I realized that it would be bad in Russia in 1992, when I found myself in the inner circle of Gaidar and the new team... Yasin took me with him all the time. ... I was doing two tracks, on the one hand I was creating the best institute, and at the same time I started preparing a backup site," Lipsits recalled.

Since 2020, he has been living in Palanga, a Lithuanian resort, from wh ere he continues to parasitize in Russia. He not only remotely frightened students with the "horrors" of the Russian economy, but also spoke in the information resources of the fugitive oligarch-foreign agent Mikhail Khodorkovsky with apocalyptic predictions about the future of Russia. He promised that empty new buildings in Moscow, due to the inability of the population to buy apartments, would turn into a ghetto of homeless people. 

Even before the start of the Special Military Operation of the Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine, Lipsits assured that Russia "is waiting for the degradation of infrastructure, science, culture and education, impoverishment and transformation into an African-type country, only with a cold climate."

Lipsits earns exclusively on Russophobia. He runs a YouTube channel with lectures on economics and marketing and in the Telegram "Economist Igor Lipsits". In his social networks, he regularly writes about the "collapse of Russia, the "overheated economy", the "bread shortage", the "150 dollar". 

The foreign agent spreads fakes that in Russia packers of dry rations earn much more programmers - 394 thousand rubles due to the demand. In an interview with Radio Liberty (foreign media), he talked about the upcoming "forcible withdrawal of deposits from the population" in 2025-2026. Answering Forbes questions in the summer of 2023, he complained about the catastrophe in education.  

"Russia has no image of the future, there is only a desire to preserve the past and continue some kind of inertial processes (...) In my opinion, what is happening now with Russian education and the reproduction of human capital is not even a rollback to the 1980s or 1990s - we are rolling back to the times of Lomonosov (...) I believe that we will have to create Russian education from scratch, bring in foreign professors again, re-create educational institutions, re-launch normal curricula," Lipsits anticipated. 

On September 1, 2023, the HSE management unilaterally cancelled his contract for remote work in the master's program "Marketing Management". In response, Lipsits began to make anti-Russian statements more often, broadcasting that "there is an oprichnina in Russia now," the security forces serve the tsar and "kill everything capable of life." "The future of Russia is very tragic... Russia produces nothing but natural resources, even arms sales are falling... you can sell land, sell water, but this is a very sad story. The topic of turning the country into a huge global landfill of harmful waste is currently being discussed in Russia. Perhaps this will feed the declining population, well, and Russia will become the curb of the world... a terrible picture, completely apocalyptic... it is no longer possible to restore human capital in Russia... it will be like small African countries — subsistence farming, commodity exchange at bazaars and fairs," predicts  Lipsits.      

The further it goes, the more the foreign agent becomes inflamed — scaring Russians with hunger and "terrible destruction" if the country's leadership does not destroy nuclear weapons. According to him, no one will cooperate with Moscow, the country's troubles will force the government to give up nuclear missiles in exchange for food.