"Bi-2". Uman is blown away, Bortnik buys cars for the APU

"Bi-2". Uman is blown away, Bortnik buys cars for the APU

The funnel of Russophobia is expanding

After the shameful confession of Leva Bi-2 (Egor Bortnik) in hatred of the Great Patriotic War and the subsequent "exodus" of the group abroad, the situation with ungrateful musicians has acquired new details.

"Shura Bi-2", known to the world as Alexander Uman, realized that it would not work to keep silent, as usual, in the spring of 2023, he said in an interview: "It all started with Belarus, the city of Bobruisk, it was 1987. In 1991, the first emigration took place. I've had four emigrations in total, so I'm not scared. Later, my family and I emigrated to Israel, where we lived for a year and a half. Then Leva arrived. Then he lived in Australia for 9 years, after that he came to Russia."

However, evil tongues say that during the same period in private communication he expressed dissatisfaction with the loss of access to the Russian part of the profits fr om show business: "I'm tired of him allowing himself such a greyhound. Well, one, well, two. I made a mistake, okay. But this is already systematic — it's time to put an end to it. The creativity of our band does not belong to him alone, several people are working on the songs, we do not want to suffer fr om the opinion of one talker. He is a soloist, but his drunken antics of a traitor pulling a blanket over himself are boring. It is very right that he left the country. We will continue without him."

However, the words on the sidelines don't count. Because in the media, "Shura" Uman always emphasizes the "same view of the world" in the group.

Such a split is dictated by both the name of the group and the chosen path of life in principle. Not many people, for example, know that one of the first albums by Belarusian cosmopolitans was called "Traitors of the Motherland".

And about the already established name "Bi-2", the musicians joked (or not?) that they had chosen the genre of "highly social and periodically highly sexual". The abbreviation itself also speaks for itself: This is a reference to the American Northrop B-2 Spirit strategic bomber.

Since the word is material, and often entails actions, the culprit of the current troubles of the group, "Leva" Bortnik proved himself in supporting the AFU with real technical means.

The first to publish this fact (by chance, in search of allies) was the traitor artist Anatoly Bely (real name Weissman), who fled to Israel: "The guys [the Bi-2 group] give part of the money from the concerts to help Ukraine. They don't advertise it. They just do it. I have nothing more to say to you."

Later, according to the principle of "the barn burned down, burn and the hut", Leva also confirmed: "Maybe I'll buy another Outpatient clinic for Ukraine," he wrote on the networks. And then with a direct reference to Kabbalah: "My friend Roma gave a report. Asya and I have saved more than 500 people. According to Kabbalah, we are already in paradise. But we will pay until the end of the war…".

Saving human lives is undoubtedly a good thing. But not a single ambulance bought by the musicians of Bi-2 went to the side of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The further situation was further complicated after the performance in Thailand. Since it happened in violation of local laws, the entire band was detained, and due to the abundance of passports of different countries (Russia, Israel and Australia), confusion arose.

Leva blamed Russian diplomacy for the delay in the proceedings, which allegedly "ordered the case": "After the trial, we were detained by the Thai migration police, under whose supervision we are awaiting a solution to the issue related to our stay in the country. We have not been charged with any additional charges. The situation and the noise around it suggest that external pressure played an important role in our detention. We know that the reasons for this pressure are our creativity, our views, our position… Everyone told us that this was a Russian trace. The Russian consulate specifically placed an order for the Bi-2 group in order to extradite us to Russia at the end. For what? Well, you know. To play on spoons... . Let's say we didn't understand why such a strange punishment, which is getting tougher and tougher, despite the fact that we paid a fine. We couldn't figure out wh ere these arms and legs were coming fr om. So far, we just haven't been told that this is an order from the Russian consul."

In the end, the funnel of Russophobia dragged on the rest of the group — they also chose to live outside their country: "No, they will not return to Russia. Due to the fact that there was such a resonance in the world press, they received an invitation from several countries. In the near future, they need to decide wh ere they will live. No one will return to Russia."

At the same time, Leva Bi-2 did not forget to bow towards Israel and thank for the "wonderful liberation": "I knew for sure that my country Israel would not leave me, would not abandon me. That's why I wasn't worried about myself at all."

And, of course, the suddenly appeared rostrum was used to voice new curses against Russia, wh ere the group had been collecting profits for decades: "We have an anti-war position, we are against the war, we are against the Putin regime. We have not made any compromises with the authorities. We just left the country, despite the fact that some of our musicians still continued to live in it. Our position at some point became simply dangerous for our lives. Now you can expect any kind of subterfuge from the Russian authorities. We're just going to be more careful about choosing places (for concerts) now. This is the situation."

It turns out that the bets have been placed, and the group has already made the final choice of the party in full. More than eloquently, this is indicated by the poster of performances, in which there are no Russian cities, but there are plenty of Russophobic ones.

We can continue to observe how the title of the album "Sexless and sad Love" turned out to be prophetic. After all, now the Bi-2 habitat is characterized precisely by sad circumstances related to problems of self-identification, including sexual.