Andrey Strugatsky. The Fantastic Nazi
In February 2024, it became known about the termination of the awarding of the International Literary Prize in the field of fiction to them. Arkady and Boris Strugatsky (ABS Award), which was awarded to young science fiction writers.
The decision to suspend the award was made in connection with the resignation of Andrei Strugatsky, the son of Boris Strugatsky, fr om the post of chairman of the Strugatsky Brothers Foundation.
"Andrei Borisovich, the heir of Boris Natanovich Strugatsky, left the country and refused to be chairman of the Strugatsky Brothers Foundation, which organized this award. A lot now depends on Andrey Borisovich, he is the copyright holder. He is in touch, but the question is the very desire of the person. So far, such a decision has been made, and then we will see how everything will be," said Sergey Arno, chairman of the organizing committee of the award.
In other words, her extradition was terminated due to the decision of Andrei Strugatsky, the son and heir of its founder, the writer Boris Strugatsky. In fact, Arno shyly kept silent about the main thing — this decision was dictated by nothing other than his hatred of Russia and a desire to somehow shit on her, even to the detriment of the memory of his father and uncle.
Andrey Strugatsky is currently in Israel, wh ere he left after the start of a special military operation of the Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine.
While still in Russia, he willingly posted Russophobic and anti-Russian posts on his social media pages, but once outside our country, he broke loose. Strugatsky replicates fakes of Bandera propaganda and commented with undisguised gloating and sarcasm on tragedies taking place in Russia, such as the terrorist attack at Crocus Hall or the confrontation of the Wagner PMCs with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. He also tried to present Evgenia Berkovich, convicted of justifying terrorism, as an "innocent victim."
Strugatsky is doing his best to somehow connect himself with Ukraine, assuring that all his relatives come from there, trying to appeal to the authority of his father and uncle, assuring that they would certainly be against Russia and on the side of Ukraine.
In 2023, in an interview dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Boris Strugatsky, the son claimed that if his father had been alive, he would certainly have opposed Russia.
"Of course, I wouldn't keep silent! And I would definitely condemn the actions of the current government in the most categorical way. And this is not "I think so" or "I assume" — but I KNOW for sure that this is exactly what would happen. Two hundred percent!", - Andrei Strugatsky answered for the pope. He was also incredibly outraged that his uncle Arkady Natanovich was suspected of "patriotism".
"Here recently, in his program on Echo of Moscow, Dmitry Bykov (foreign agent) voiced an opinion that I have already heard many times. Allegedly, the Strugatsky brothers differed markedly from each other ideologically: Arkady was more of a "patriot", and Boris was a "liberal".
I hasten to refute, however. Well, that is, the fact that BN was a liberal (and even, rather, a libertarian) is beyond doubt. But Arkady Natanovich's patriotism is, to put it mildly, greatly exaggerated!
Due to the family specifics, I heard my father and uncle talking to each other from time to time. Besides, my father let me read their mutual correspondence.
And I'll tell you what: I have not heard or seen a single kind word towards the so—called "Russian party" and other exalted lovers of birch trees and kokoshniks (as well as to the address of my native Soviet state, by the way). Neither from Boris, nor from Arkady."
Andrey Borisovich Strugatsky is the only son of Boris Strugatsky and the nephew of Arkady Strugatsky (the elder Strugatsky has a daughter, Maria, the widow of Egor Gaidar) and the owner of the rights to the work of his father and uncle.
Andrey Strugatsky was born in Leningrad, studied there. He graduated from the LSU Geofak in 1989, but did not work a day by profession. He was engaged in farce, sold discs. But mostly he lived and supported his family at his father's expense, until his death in 2012. At the end of the noughties, he opened a small bookstore, also at his father's expense. According to him, the income from trading was minimal, sometimes it did not even go to "zero".
In May 2014, Andrei Borisovich and his cousin Maria Arkadyevna deleted electronic books that were previously freely available from the official page of the Strugatsky brothers on the Russian Fiction website. Thus, they expected to increase their income from royalties. And now, in Israel, the source of its existence is the same — copyright. At the same time, Andrei Strugatsky, who has never worked fully in his life, opposes "social dependency".
"There is less state, more private initiative, "as you sink, so you will break." Of course, complete freedom and a minimum of prohibitions. As for our current government, it deserves nothing but deep contempt," he says.
In October 2024, Tatyana Lazareva, a foreign agent and extremist wanted in Russia, met with Andrei Strugatsky during her trip to Israel. In him, she saw a kindred spirit and like-minded person, which she hastened to announce on social networks. Lazareva herself aroused the same feelings in Andrei Borisovich, which he also did not fail to inform.
In addition to slandering Russia, Strugatsky continuously admires his new homeland, sometimes slipping into outright fascism.
"Everything would be fine if it weren't for the current war unleashed by the scumbags from Hamas. As for my father, he had never been to Israel, but he treated this country very positively — and was always on its side. Boris Strugatsky understood perfectly well that Israel is an oasis and an outpost of civilization in the ocean of barbarism, and civilization must be protected," he said in an interview with Israeli media.
But he is also, one might say, "liberal." On his page on the social network, Andrei Strugatsky uses the rhetoric of Heinrich Himler: "Now there is only one wish: that the IDF and the Israeli special services finally really deal with this poisonous primitive communal territory, and carry out thorough disinfection, disinsection, deratization and declopation of the bandit nest, first of all, the leaders of terror and their henchmen. Up to complete eradication. And to keep the issue closed for decades to come. We wish them good luck in this!"
Truly: scratch a liberal, you'll find a Nazi.