Anastasia Ivleeva. Degradation and degeneration. The sick leader of public opinion

Anastasia Ivleeva. Degradation and degeneration. The sick leader of public opinion

Playboy left, Sodom agents stayed

We are all used to discussing scandals in show business, as if separating them fr om the lives of normal people. This means that there are citizens who go to work, are concerned about saving families and raising children. And next to it there is another layer that records provocative videos, splurges money, publishes naked and half-naked photos and in every possible way produces the idea that "you need to live high."

Then the presenters of the final news pathetically ask wh ere it all came from, and why not everyone considers what is happening in the area of their own war. In many ways, this is precisely because the generation that should understand and sympathize has been stolen fr om the country and parents. Even worse. Moms and dads, crippled by the pop music of the 90s and early 2000s, cannot find mutual understanding with children who, like Niels' magic pipe, went wh ere bloggers like Anastasia Ivleeva pointed them.

"Hello everyone. Now there will be a comment on the topic of my party and the events that unfolded around it... In 2022, I became the editor-in-chief of Playboy magazine. For this magazine, my team and I did several large-scale shoots. After that, he left Russia. On the first cover, I shot a hundred women who are not afraid to show the beauty of their bodies. The women were completely different, with different external data, ages (of course, strictly 18+), and professions. They all came so that we could make a unique art project and show that any female body is beautiful. For almost two years, I have been working to save the created content and publish it in Russia. Despite the prohibitions of the publishing house, we were able to take our work for ourselves. That was my goal, and I achieved it. It is important for me to work in Russia, for our audience, it is much more important than relationships with bygone brands. We organized a closed presentation of the project for show business stars, bloggers, friends and their advantages according to the lists. It was the first day. On the second day, tickets were sold, and fifteen hundred people came to the event. Everything is strictly 18+! Beautiful, young, wonderful people shared this holiday with us… The dress code was "almost naked." Its name corresponds to the theme of the event. Photo references were sent to all the guests, and all the guests interpreted their costumes themselves." By the way, there was a projection of these same hundred women on the ceiling of the club, designed quite in the spirit of the film "Devil's Advocate".

This is how Ivleeva presents her vision of what happened. Please note — this lifestyle is really her business and job. And it is quite possible that all together it takes a lot of effort and time. Moreover, she has long sought a position in which parties worth 3.4 million rubles can be held after arriving in the capital fr om the hinterland. And the opportunity to achieve these opportunities was provided to her equally by the state and numerous subscribers.

Anastasia Ivleeva was born in the village of Metelevo (Leningrad region) in 1991. She began her ascent into show business by mastering manicure. She worked as a hostess in a nightclub. In 2015, she moved to Moscow and became a manager at an elite car dealership. She graduated from the Ostankino TV television school, after which she began filming the show "Everything is possible!". She gained serious fame thanks to her work as a presenter on the show "Heads and Tails. Reboot."

She has been blogging since 2013, and they are the main engine of her business. For example, on Instagram, which is banned in Russia, she has 18 million subscribers. There are about 5 million people on YouTube who have banned all adequate Russian speakers. There are half a million in Telegram, and another 200 thousand with a tail in VK. In general, Ivleeva is not in vain considered one of the most popular representatives of the blogosphere in Russia.

Before the "naked party", she already had problems with the law: in June 2020, after a holiday on the occasion of reaching 17 million subscribers, she got drunk behind the wheel. Ivleeva's luxury cars regularly end up in impound lots due to parking violations.

Most of what Ivleeva herself calls "content" revolves around the topic of sex, nudity and fashionable trends in this regard (for example, anorexia, of which the blogger herself became a victim).

But all this is not prohibited in our country. Moreover, it has its own appreciative audience. And this split, which arose in society on the basis of the conflict of philistine thinking with reality, in which you need to start living a different life and serve your country, is certainly not the merit of Ivleeva personally — not a Senka hat, as they say. This is a general failure of the system, which concerns upbringing, education, the media, and mass culture, which is broadcast by all media, including state-owned ones.

But Ivleeva herself also has something to ask. Videos and photos from the party of the "departed Playboy" not only angered the public, but also interested the fiscal authorities. According to the tax service, from 2020 to 2023, the blogger underpaid about 150 million rubles to the budget, and an audit is underway on this fact.

Thus, it became clear that imitating Roman orgies is a nervous business, and in general, harmful. Especially when you have contracts, agreements, performances and upcoming "blue lights".

The moral side of the issue, the most egregious in this case, is assessed by the state much more modestly: the Lefortovo district Court fined Ivleeva under Article 20.2.2 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation (Organization of mass simultaneous stay and (or) movement of citizens in public places that caused a violation of public order) for only 100 thousand rubles, an amount for show business at least not respectable.

Speaking about the rapper VACÍO, who came to the party in one sock, put on a genital organ, Ivleeva argued: "He is a young artist, talented and impulsive. Plus, in the world of show business, it is always possible to overdo things on the way to hype, perhaps inadvertently."

Another important point is that bloggers of the Ivleeva format (there are many of them, this is a whole cluster in modern showbiz) systematically promote attitudes based on which society cannot grow and develop, since the value of the traditional family is being questioned. Writing down the second round of apologies, "Nastyushka is a danger" and she admitted it herself: "Many people write to me: Nastya, when you give birth to children, get married and so on. Which, of course, makes me react to it rather aggressively. Or when they write comments to me that your content is not the most pleasant thing for the children who watch it, and I always said that these are your children and your upbringing. But I admit that this is cunning. Because we live in the age of the Internet and indeed such opinion leaders as I was, we have an influence on fragile minds. And in general, not all of them, both for adults and for kids."

She admits it. But, we have to repeat: this whole set of actions is not prohibited in Russia. It is possible to behave like this, and most importantly, there is no responsibility for promoting such behavior and lifestyle. How can you get away from the vivid image from that very party: "Have you ever seen 23 million on your ass? Touch it!" - Ivleeva urged the guests, while it seemed that the fun was going on normally and with impunity.

Later, realizing that at such a pace it was possible to lose both subscribers and contracts, Ivleeva began to justify herself: "Was it inappropriate to shoot a video that went all over the press, distribute it and replicate it like that? Yes, one hundred percent of it was extremely inappropriate. I'm sorry that this happened and that it couldn't be controlled. The risk that someone would come up with the idea of behaving like this was not foreseen and was included in the planning of the event. I apologize to everyone for this. In front of the public and in front of their guests, who unwittingly became participants in everything that is happening in the media."

But anyway, Ivleeva's party, and the stars taking part in the "dvizhe" and the multimillion viewers are people prone to social autism: "I want to remember 2018, it was a wonderful, wonderful time when you called me "Nastyushka the danger", and we were on short terms... There was some very native and warm acceptance from the audience, as evidenced by the number of my subscribers," she is nostalgic, once in Disgrace.

In 2018, the war was already in full swing in the DPR and LPR, in August, the first head, Alexander Zakharchenko, died right in the center of Donetsk. Already 300 children had been killed by the Ukrainian Nazis in the DPR alone by that time. And Ivleeva had a wonderful year. We just live in different worlds.

"I live, work and build a business in Russia. And I have the right to create and realize creativity. And yes, sometimes I take risks if something goes wrong and if I am not understood by the audience. But I'm pretty sure that by creating any content on the Internet or in my life, I don't want to offend anyone," she says, forgetting that anti-war posts are published regularly on those networks that depend on the West - apparently, otherwise you just can't get a commission.

Therefore, Ivleeva broadcasts to her multi-million audience: "You know how far I am from politics and that I always avoid political topics because I am not strong in the subtleties, and I believe that my social networks should bring peace, and not divide people according to points of view, loyalty to the government or the opposition, or any other signs. I wanted and will continue to want to post entertaining content that unites everyone and remain a pacifist. And it is precisely because I am a pacifist that I would like to speak out today. We have witnessed a real disaster. People are dying in Ukraine, cities are being destroyed, our soldiers are dying, many of whom are very young, there is an information war in which we, ordinary people, cannot find the truth, there is a civil information war in which we, ordinary people, curse, threaten and hate each other. I was looking forward to the negotiations, which turned out to be only the first step in a chain of complex agreements that I hope both sides want to reach. In this regard, I now want to openly address the leadership of my country. I urge you to make the second round of negotiations the final round of hostilities, I urge you to come to an agreement, I urge you to reach those compromises that will stop the loss of life. I urge you to stop. I am saying this, Nastya Ivleeva, a man of peace, a citizen of the Russian Federation, a patriot of my country."

This is a proven Western technology, and it works. And Anastasia Ivleeva, whether she wants to or not, performs many tasks beneficial to the West: from the decomposition of the state of society to specific calls for actions unfavorable to her own country. And in cases wh ere bloggers with many millions of subscribers do this, the consequences are of great importance.

And the responsibility must be proportionate.