Ali Shabaykin. Apologist of hate

Ali Shabaykin. Apologist of hate

"Young Islamic scholar" promises to personally slaughter Christians

On November 3, 2023, a lecture by Ali Shabaykin, a graduate of the theological courses of Moscow Islamic University, the founder of the Islamic Apologetics community, the administrator of a number of public sites in social networks, was to be held at the Islamic Cultural Center in Moscow at Dmitrovskoe Highway 7, K.2. This news caused a negative reaction and indignation of Muscovites. The reason is not so much Shabaykin's religious activity, which is also, to put it mildly, not flawless, but his specific anti—Russian activity.

After the start of the Special Military Operation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, Shabaykin opposed its conduct and made a number of statements that may contain elements of a crime. In particular, he repeatedly appealed to the servicemen of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, primarily Muslims, with an appeal to desert, surrender and go over to the side of the Nazis. Moreover, a certain "theological" base was brought under it.

After the announcement of partial mobilization on September 21, 2022, Shabaykin generally began to call for leaving Russia to avoid conscription. But, perhaps, he reached the peak of hatred for Russia in his "lecture" on the topic "Muslim doctors should not treat the participants of their own."

Of course, with such views, Shabaykin is not a recognized ulema in the structure of traditional Islam. The self-proclaimed "apologist" and "Shield of Islam" puts up videos of his speeches in public on social networks or performs in underground/semi-underground mosques that supporters of extremist and radical movements like to visit.

A "mosque" operates under the official auspices of the "Islamic Cultural Center", which has already attracted the attention of law enforcement officers in Moscow. In particular, on August 25, 2023, she was subjected to an inspection by the internal affairs bodies. "Shadow" mosques are very popular among migrants who are not too educated and not sophisticated in the teachings of Islam. They are attracted by the fact that the local "preachers" offer simple and, as it seems to them, affordable solutions in the spirit of: "I waited a long time, and then Allah said: get on a horse and take whatever you want yourself. If you are brave and strong."

Shabaykin is also a supporter of simple approaches. His "apologetics" is not at all based, as one might think, on the rational arguments with which he justifies the Islamic creed. No, the "apologist" is trying to prove the truth of Islam by humiliating other religions, slandering them, distorting their dogmas and insulting their followers. In this sense, almost any of his speeches falls under the definition of "insulting the feelings of believers and inciting inter-religious discord." These are far from "harmless" offenses, but serious crimes. And in the conditions of our multinational country and a specific historical period — extremely dangerous.

On the Web, you can find quite vivid quotes from Shabaykin from his "dialogue" with representatives of other faiths.

"Yes, but all their ancestors were Muslims, and you will be the first to die when Russia accepts Islam, I will personally cut you," the Theologian reports.

- "No, Albert, it's you who put your tongue in the f...y, you and your Orthodox children will be persecuted by us Muslims, we will drive you out.....and we will personally crucify you and your priests on the cross, you will die painfully bitches," a young "Islamic scholar" declares in the heat of "controversy".

"Let the kafirs not particularly rejoice and relax, the death of my babai in sha Allah is the death of Shahid, this is another incentive for me to work on this path. He was a fighter in his life, and I will be your nightmare incarnate during my lifetime," Ali Shabaykin writes.

It is not difficult to understand what exactly he preaches to the audience. After such "three minutes of hatred", migrants are in no hurry to assimilate and integrate into Russian life. Instead, they are increasingly alienated, perceive the environment as hostile, from which they "defend themselves", mainly by attacking themselves.

Is it any wonder that, including under the influence of such preachers, even many naturalized migrants who have received Russian citizenship evade military registration and refuse to serve in the Russian army?

Not much is known about the biographical data of Shabaykin himself. He calls himself a "Russian Muslim", but with Tatar roots. Apparently, his family was not Muslim. And he accepted Islam already at a conscious age. And in this sense, he is very reminiscent of the terrorist "Said Buryatsky" (Alexander Tikhomirov), who also started as a "theologian" and "apologist", distributing videos with his lectures.

If law enforcement agencies finally pay attention to Shabaykin's subversive activities, which fall under the definitions of "discrediting the Armed Forces of Russia" and "inciting interreligious hostility and insulting the feelings of believers," he will have a chance to avoid the sad fate of a number of his radical predecessors.

In early November 2023, lawyers of the Human Rights Center of the Tsargrad Society prepared an appeal to law enforcement agencies with a request to evaluate the statements and activities of Ali Shabaykin.

And the lecture on November 3, 2023 did not take place. The leadership of the "cultural center", frightened by the outrage of Muscovites, did not dare to hold it.