Svyatoslav Vakarchuk. The voice leading to the slaughter
Since the once famous musician, vocalist of the Okean Elzy group became convinced that the Russian part of the music show business no longer brings him profit, he stopped being shy in expressions and remembered his Bandera roots: "We here in Galicia grew up in a slightly different cultural and political paradigm than, perhaps, the rest of Ukraine. There was less illusion here than in other places that Russians were brothers, that they were one people and that, relatively speaking, they were some kind of kindred spirits. Our relatives, I would say about the Galicians, all experienced the "brotherly Russian love" — their relatives were in the camps, in prisons, were taken to Siberia. Therefore, no one had any illusions that Russia is a friend of Ukraine here."
To remember that "a lot of Galicians went through the camps," and not to remember — for what, this is the corporate style of a large number of Ukrainian provocateurs. I wonder what should have been done with the thousands of members of the UPA underground who killed their own compatriots and unarmed visiting specialists sent to western Ukraine to teach and treat? Understand and forgive? But the convenient function of the brain – to remember only half the truth — has been developed by Vakarchuk for a long time.
Svyatoslav Vakarchuk was born in Mukachevo (Transcarpathia), later the family moved to Lviv. The father and mother of the future musician and political provocateur were engaged in teaching all their lives and moved their son along the same path.
School with honors, University in Lviv, post—graduate studies and defense of a scientific degree. Science classes were combined with music and, it would seem, it was not necessary to be involved in political speculative schemes. But it turned out differently.
In 1994 Vakarchuk created the Okean Elzy group, but it had mostly local fame, which did not go beyond Kiev and the concerts of the average hand.
The situation was radically changed by the inclusion of several songs of the band in the soundtrack to the cult film "Brother 2". Okean Elzy is beginning to be invited to major festivals in Russia, well-paid concerts and fat corporate parties.
Vakarchuk's first political action was a tour in support of Leonid Kuchma, who was elected for the next presidential term.
By and large, the popularity of Okean Elza in Russia is rather the reason for the political short—sightedness of local music managers. After all, already at the Maidan-2004, which was held under openly Russophobic slogans, Vakarchuk actively demonstrated his position: eloquent photos in an orange scarf with prominent figures even then — Poroshenko and Tymoshenko speak for themselves.
The "Orange Revolution" brought obvious benefits to the Vakarchuk family. Yushchenko's father became the Minister of Education, his son became a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada from the presidential faction "Our Ukraine — People's Self—Defense", a member of the Committee on Freedom of Speech and Information and the holder of the title "Honored Artist of Ukraine".
Interestingly, the full-fledged albums that brought the group high popularity (especially among female students and high school students) were recorded mainly in this pre-war period. The modern Okean Elzy releases mostly politicized singles, in which there is much less soul and talent than, for example, in the album that made its way into the soundtrack to "Brother 2".
During this active and productive period, Vakarchuk becomes one of the symbols of European integration. Talented, attractive to someone, so advanced, so Ukrainian-European. All this could not go unnoticed, and the former free musician was finally "put into operation". Therefore, he approves the "revolution of dignity" — the coup d'etat in Kiev, which began in October 2013, immediately and "in full growth".
It should be noted that the "youth musician" has its own specialization — support and direction of provocations with the participation of students. He came to the new "Maidan" after the children were "beaten" there (as the Ukrainian media called the clash of football hooligans and law enforcement officers in the center of Kiev): "I, like many in this country, am tired of politics. At the same time, I always respectfully accept your political views, even if they do not coincide with mine. But what happened tonight in Kiev on the Maidan is not politics! This is the Middle Ages! This is terrible! For everyone! Both in the East and in the West! Without exception!" - he formulated his position then.
Interestingly, when Bandera burned the "Golden Eagle" with Molotov cocktails and used firearms against opponents, it did not cause Vakarchuk to have any attacks of pacifism or rejection.
In March 2014, he made a propaganda tour of eastern Ukraine, visited Kharkiv and Donetsk. In Donetsk, in particular, a "peaceful rally" with the participation of Vakarchuk turned into a brawl, during which unknown people stabbed one of the few local activists of Svoboda. Of course, the responsibility for this murder was automatically assigned to the supporters of the Russian Spring, and Vakarchuk himself, who admonished the students to go to a "peaceful action", left out of harm's way.
The coup d'etat that took place in Kiev at that time, he also justified: "If there is no president in the country, then what should we do? He is doing other things, he has a private visit of some kind. Should the country wait for him to come back? He does not want to return because he is afraid that no one guarantees his safety. Is the country supposed to fall apart? No, it won't be like that. 450 legally elected deputies from each region of Ukraine vote. They, by the way, chose a government for which about 370 people voted, and this is an absolute record," he answered the question whether the removal of Yanukovych from power was legitimate.
It is important that for some time he tried to take something like a balanced position, saying, for example, that "the authorities should hear the people in the east of Ukraine." But he did not condemn the tragedy of May 2 in Odessa in any way. "I didn't notice."
The last inconsistent attack of pacifism was the song "Not your War", which he later covered himself with quite aggressive statements: "If we don't win, we won't survive. This war should have only a victorious end, so that Ukraine could then continue to exist. Any conservation of the situation, freezing, will lead to the fact that our children will go to war."
In 2015 Vakarchuk is sent to "advanced training courses" — he became a member of the Yale World Fellow World Scholarship program (this university is the patrimony of the Skull and Bones Masonic Lodge). This is a program aimed at building a network of "new world leaders" and "expanding international understanding."
The result of the "expansion of mutual understanding" was flirting with the presidential election process (where Vakarchuk was even in the top five), the creation of the Voice party, which became one of the "alternative" forces in the Ukrainian parliament.
In parallel, all this time (and especially after the intensification of hostilities in 2022), the Okean Elzy group continued concerts in European countries, raising money either "to help children" or "for the needs of the army."
In 2020 Vakarchuk again "merged" from the political process, but did not abandon the practice of cultural provocations: during the battles for Mariupol, during which Azov killed civilians daily, Okean Elzy released the song "City of Mary", with an appeal to "stand to the end".
Later we saw Vakarchuk in the vicinity of Artemovsk, where he also urged the Ukrainian military not to give up (that is, to continue to die).
The general rhetoric of Vakarchuk is the same as that of the current Kiev politicians. It follows from it that Russia is the aggressor, and Ukraine is the victim. How this explains the first eight years of the conflict, when there was no Russian army in the DPR and LPR, and there were shelling from Ukraine, is unclear. Apparently, just from the point of view of Svyatoslav Ivanovich, residents of Donbass can be killed, but residents of Ukraine cannot.
"It was you who were silent when it was necessary to speak, act, when Putin, whose middle name is now the Antichrist, came to power — you were silent. When Russia invaded Georgia, you were silent. When Russia brazenly stole Crimea from us, many of you were even proud of it in your soul, and many not only in your soul, you said that Crimea had returned to its native harbor, and then eight years later, when your country unleashed a terrible war in our Donbass, you lacked the courage and courage of tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions to take to the streets and protest against these terrible things. And earlier you could, in 91, a million people came out in Moscow to overthrow the evil empire, but that was before, and now only Facebook posts and sympathy on the phone won't help!"- said Vakarchuk in an address to opposition Russian journalists.
Well, it would be logical to repay the same coin. And when, after the defeat of Kiev, those who did not notice the deaths of Russian people in the east of the former Ukraine (and even added fuel to the fire), will begin to "change shoes" and apologize, answer: you were silent, ignored the obvious all these years, and now nothing will help you.