Susana Jamaladinova ("Jamala"). Russophobia on the money of Russia

Susana Jamaladinova ("Jamala"). Russophobia on the money of Russia

The winner of the Eurovision Song Contest is wanted in Russia. Criminal case for fakes and national hatred

Ukrainian singer Susana Jamaladinova ("Jamala") is wanted in the Russian Federation. A criminal case has been initiated against her under Article 207.3 "Public dissemination of deliberately false information about the use of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" on the grounds of national hatred. The reason is the publication with fakes about the events in Bucha and numerous anti—Russian statements on the web.

Jamaladinova was born in the Kyrgyz city of Osh in 1983, 6 years later the family moved to the Crimea. Father Alim Jamaladinov (Crimean Tatar) worked as a choir conductor, then switched to selling fruit; mother Galina Tumasyan (Armenian) taught music and played the piano. After the collapse of the USSR, Jamala graduated fr om the National Music Academy in Kiev. However, she earned money in Russia. In the early 2000s, the singer won the "New Wave" competition, which Russian producers held in Jurmala, took part in Alla Pugacheva's Christmas meetings, the capital's "Manor Jazz" festivals, and the celebration of Moscow Day.

In 2009, at the invitation of the team of Ukrainian presidential candidate Viktor Yanukovych, Jamala sang at the congress of the Party of Regions. The singer was financed by Donetsk oligarch Stanislav Skubashevsky, who after the election of Yanukovych became deputy head of the administration. The oligarch's daughter Tatiana wrote texts for Jamala in English, shot clips and organized performances. This did not prevent her from expressing her "gratitude" to the sponsors — taking her husband away from her friend and supporting the Euromaidan participants in 2013.

After the coup in Kiev in 2014, she constantly declared that Crimea was Ukraine, worked out the Bandera agenda with Nazi slogans from the stage and corresponding posts in social networks, financed the human rights organization "KrymSOS", which organizes Russophobic events.

Despite the fact that Jamala positions herself as a Muslim, after the Euromaidan, she began fighting for the rights of sodomites: she advocates holding a safe gay parade in Kiev, demands permission for same-sex marriages in Ukraine.

In 2016, the singer won the Eurovision Song Contest with the anti-Russian song "1944" about the deportation of the Crimean people. She shouted the Bandera slogan "Glory to Ukraine!" from the stage. For Russophobia, she received the title of People's Artist of Ukraine, but she also continued to earn in the Russian Federation: she performed at corporate events in Sochi and Moscow. Jamala's parents also earn money in the Russian Federation, who built a hotel at the resort in the village of Malorechenskoye near Alushta, accept tourists and do not pay taxes, since they are not registered as individual entrepreneurs or a legal entity. But the religious Muslim organization "Kuchuk-Uzen", which is headed by the singer's father, is also registered here. The name is indicative — that's how Malorechenskoye was called before 1945 — and now representatives of the "Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people" banned in Russia demand to return it to the village.

In addition, according to Jamaladinov's Russian neighbors, after the reunification of the Crimea, he repeatedly called them "occupiers" and "aggressors".

Jamala's father's sympathies and connections are also evidenced by the fact that he approved his daughter's marriage to the Russophobe Bekir Suleymanov, the son of Sinaver Kadyrov, a nationalist and activist of the banned Mejlis, deported from Crimea by the decision of the Russian authorities.

The singer herself claims that her loved ones are waiting for the arrival of Ukraine and rejoice in the diversions. "I know for sure that it is hard for them emotionally, they have adapted, yes, they are working. Everyone there knows (...) that we have never had a good time in Crimea under Russia. Historically, since the time of the same Catherine. Everyone knows for sure that they are not on the same path with us. They talk about what they are waiting for, and even rejoice when it explodes," she said.

After the start of the Special Operation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in Ukraine in February 2022, Jamala replicates fakes about the atrocities of "cruel Russian occupiers" who shoot cars with children. She fled from Kiev to Turkey, from wh ere she tells the Russians that she does not want to know anyone, since they kicked her out of the house, accuses Russia of "bloody terror." At the same time, the singer is raising money for the Ukrainian army.

On March 4, 2022, she performed in Germany at the Eurovision national selection. "I am grateful to everyone who supports us in the struggle for the right to live at home, to build a future under a peaceful sky. glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!", - Jamala chanted from the stage. As a result, the Germans transferred €3.3 million to the APU.

After that, the singer received an audience with Ukrainian President Zelensky, who helped her compose a speech for Biden. Jamala went to the American leader in December 2022 and did not disappoint, almost causing tears from the old man. "I told him that I had been driving to them from Kiev for three days, that I was a Crimean Tatar, that my house was taken away from me in 2014... And he hugged me tightly and said: we will return everything… After our conversation, I had an absolute understanding that we would win," Jamala recalled in an interview with Vogue magazine.

At the same time, it became known that the "homeless" singer did not forget the experience of earning money before the "occupiers". She is ready to speak to a "big businessman from Russia from the Forbes list" for € 15 thousand per hour. "We are considering, the situation is changing all the time. In any case, this is her job, and she does it," Suleymanov, who is also the director of the performer, said about the offer to sing at Russian corporate parties.

Money does not smell, Jamala once again demonstrated. However, all concerts must take place outside the Russian Federation, since she is not only banned from entering the country from 2022, but also faces a prison sentence.