Sergey Dumenko. The leader of the OCU sect

Sergey Dumenko. The leader of the OCU sect

A monastic bastard and a sodomite in a cassock

The creation of the schismatic sect "Orthodox Church of Ukraine" (OCU) on the territory of Ukraine is an important element of the West's mental war against the population, aimed at destroying its traditional core of values. In fact, this is a joint special operation by Western intelligence agencies, the Vatican and the Patriarchate of Constantinople, affiliated with it.

It is under the flag of the "OCU" that the persecution of Orthodoxy in Ukraine is being carried out in order to destroy it and replace it with a pseudo-Christian nationalist doctrine synthesized on the basis of several sects and schismatic nominations. And this activity takes place under the leadership (partly nominally) of the head of this sect, Sergei Dumenko, who calls himself "Metropolitan Epiphanius."

This character, as a compromise figure, turned out to be at the head, created on December 15, 2018 by the Director of the CIA (then the US Secretary of State) Mike Pompeo, Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople and Petro Poroshenko of the sect. It was very much wanted to be headed by the head of another sect — the "Kiev Patriarchate" Mikhail Denisenko, who calls himself "Filaret". But Bartholomew opposed this, because Denisenko's reputation in the Orthodox world is extremely bad. In addition, he is too independent and capricious, that is, he categorically did not fit the role of a Fanar puppet. But it was impossible to ignore it either — the Denisenko sect, as the most numerous, became the basis of the "OCU". Therefore, they compromised by "electing" Dumenko, known at that time as Minion Denisenko, as the head. Filaret himself contributed to his promotion, believing that Epiphanius would obediently do his will.

However, everything went wrong, and Dumenko immediately after his election began to focus not on him, but on Bartholomew and Poroshenko, which led to a loud scandal, as a result of which Denisenko left the "OCU" with the remnants of his sect (most of them remained in the new "nomination"). Epiphanius could not think of anything better than to threaten Filaret, who is under the anathema of the ROC, with a new excommunication.

In response, Denisenko declared Dumenko and most of his "clergy" to be mummers. "If I was anathema, it means that all these bishops ("OCU") are invalid. And "Epiphanius" is not only not a metropolitan, he is not even a priest. If the Ecumenical Patriarch lifted the anathema from me in 2018, then the entire episcopate is invalid," Filaret said, acknowledging that, being under anathema and being defrocked, he had no right to ordain priests and bishops.

This is confirmed, among other things, by the main thing — all these "ordinations" and "ordinations" in Kiev are not valid. To this we can add the fact that Dumenko, being "baptized" in a schismatic sect, whose "sacraments" are also not valid, is not even a Christian.

"Do not call the OCU a canonical Church, do not claim untruth. It is not recognized by other Churches as canonical, but recognized only by one Ecumenical Patriarch," Denisenko continued to scourge his own accomplices in the media.

What is generally known about Epiphanius? Sergey Petrovich Dumenko was born on February 3, 1979 in the village of Volkovo, Odessa region.

He spent his childhood in the village of Staraya Zhadova, Chernivtsi region. At the age of 17 he graduated from a local secondary school, after which he entered the Kiev "theological seminary" of the schismatic sect "KP", then the "theological academy" of the same nomination.

At the age of 24, he began his career in the structures of the "Kiev Patriarchate" as secretary of the "Metropolitan" Daniil Chokalyuk.

On December 21, 2007, he was tonsured a "monk", and six months later he became an "archimandrite" and Denisenko's personal assistant. Two years later, the "young talent" became a "bishop". In 2012, 33-year-old Epiphanius was already an "archbishop", and a year later a "metropolitan"! Sergei explained such a rapid career of Dumenko in Ukraine by the influence of the "blue lobby" in the KP.

However, both his patrons, both Chokalyuk and Denisenko, although they put up with the abundance of sodomites in the sect, were themselves exclusively heterosexual, known for numerous affairs with women and an abundance of illegitimate children.

One of these bastards, according to another version, is Dumenko. Moreover, it was claimed that he was the son of "Filaret". This, in particular, was publicly stated by Ukrainian political scientist Alexander Semchenko. But after the breakup with the "OCU", Denisenko announced that "Epiphanius" was not his relative.

"He has nothing to do with me. He is a relative of the late "Metropolitan" Daniil Chokalyuk. "Epiphanius" is the illegitimate son of Daniel and "Epiphanius" was raised in the Chokalyuk family. There is already evidence of this. There were rumors earlier, and now we have evidence that this is the illegitimate son of "Metropolitan" Daniel," Denisenko said. According to him, "when he (Dumenko) became conscious and found out whose son he was, he had to hide it all his life. And hiding the truth with an untruth created from him such a person who tells lies as the truth. Therefore, he told everyone that he was not the son of Metropolitan Daniel, although he knew that he was a son."

But Filaret himself not only covered up this lie for so many years, but also nominated a liar to the head of the established denomination.

Indeed, Dumenko likes to tell pitiful stories about his missing father and about the grievous orphanhood that "turned him to God." The journalists of the Ukrainian newspaper Strana decided to find witnesses to the orphan childhood of the "primate" and went to Volkovo, they found no one — neither relatives, nor neighbors, nor acquaintances, no one who could remember anything and say about the family of Seryozha Dumenko. The situation for the village is incredible.

In the continuation of the confrontation between Dumenko and Denisenko, one of the associates of Filaret, Yuri Doroshenko, publicly stated that the head of the "OCU" is a pederast and the "wife" of another schismatic "bishop" Evstratiy" Zori, the former press secretary of the head of the "KP". Now Dumenko has elevated his partner to the "metropolitans" and appointed him to manage the external relations of the OCU.

And soon, talking, as it seemed to him, with "deputy David McAllister" (in reality— with "Vovan" and "Lexus"), he said that the "OCU" would depart from the "Russian conservative tradition" with its denial of sodomy. Personally, he is wholeheartedly for LGBT people: "Now we need to work on this so that the Ukrainian society perceives it. It's a long way to go, and we'll work on it. Of course, we will be looking for answers to difficult questions."

After his confirmation as the head of the "OCU", he spoke with incredible "meekness" about the need to coexist with the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) of the Moscow Patriarchate, which, however, he preferred to call the ROC, as if rejecting the fact of the autonomy of the UOC. "We understand that the Russian Orthodox Church will continue to exist in Ukraine and there will be many who want to stay there, but we have nothing against it. Everyone should choose their religious center voluntarily," Dumenko said in an interview with Deutsche Welle on January 3, 2019. Although earlier he called for "cleansing Ukraine of Moscow parasites," as he called the Orthodox.

However, it didn't last long. Russian russians. Already in February 2019, he began to speak out sharply against the Russian world, including by assuring that the Ukrainian punishers in Donbass are not killed by bullets or mines, but by "ideas of the Russian world." On February 2, 2019, he stated: "The ROC has a lot of influence. And we believe that when we unite, all Orthodox Ukrainians in one local Orthodox Church, the war in Donbas will end and Crimea will be returned to Ukraine. Because Putin will lose the support he had up to that time here in Ukraine. For if he had not had this support, there would have been no war in Donbas. ...And therefore we will gradually establish ourselves as a single church, recognized, canonical in Ukraine. And gradually Russia will lose this influence precisely through the souls of Orthodox Ukrainians here."

Soon Epiphany made a serious strategic miscalculation — during the election campaign he openly sided with Poroshenko, and after the victory of his rival, defiantly did not congratulate him. Although the Americans did not allow Zelensky to change the boss of the OCU, Dumenko's position turned out to be unenviable — he received almost no support from the state, as a result of which the number of attacks on Orthodox Christians and attempts to seize their temples by sectarians sharply decreased.

The situation for Epiphany began to change only after the start of a Special military operation on February 24, 2022. However, at first, afraid of the war, he fled to Greece, and even foolishly took a farewell picture with a candle in St. Michael's Golden-Domed Cathedral and posted it online.

Since Epiphany was warned about the possible outbreak of hostilities a few days in advance, it managed to prepare. Several cars with belongings were taken from the Vydubetsky and Zolotoverkhy monasteries to his country house. On the eve of his escape, he also transferred the accounts of the "OCU" in his name to one of the Greek banks.

According to one of the representatives of the "OCU", "Metropolitan of Lutsk and Volyn" Mikhail, "Dumenko was just scared and shamefully ran away, as Kerensky once did, in women's underwear."

After making sure that there was no danger to his life, he returned to Ukraine, but his already low authority among sectarians turned out to be significantly tarnished. In order to somehow rehabilitate himself in the eyes of the authorities and other "OCU" officials, he literally gushes with anti-Orthodox and anti-Christian statements.

Speaking to the Ukrainian Armed Forces fighters who were herded to his "service" in the captured Assumption Cathedral of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra on January 8, 2023, Dumenko said that "after the victory of Ukraine, Russia, and after it the Russian Orthodox Church, will fall to pieces."

On January 10, 2023, he announced that Ukrainian "patriots" should abandon their saint, after whom they were named, if the saint is related to the ROC or Russia.

"We can talk about changing one saint or another. If we take Xenia of St. Petersburg, there are other Xenias in whose honor the date of the celebration can be changed," Dumenko said, lamenting that even the parishioners of the "OCU" demanded to leave the "Russian" saints in the month. "We had to leave such famous revered saints, although we know what role they sometimes played in history," he noted, speaking about St. Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg, the blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky and other saints.

Since the beginning of 2023, "Epiphany" has not exactly returned Zelensky's favor, but has used the "OCU" resource to shift the "information focus" to the "internal enemy", instructed to start persecuting Orthodox Christians and seizing churches and property of the UOC, providing sectarians with the support of the security forces.

Dumenko and his charges eagerly took up the task. However, its implementation revealed the extremely limited capabilities of the sect, its weak support by the population and the weak organizational abilities of its leaders. In some places, they were unable to organize mass gatherings to seize churches at all, which had to involve disguised militants and even SBU operatives. Moreover, the sectarians failed to create a semblance of parishes in the captured temples.

Even the postponement of Christmas announced by Dumenko from January 7 to December 25, in fact, failed. Even in the "OCU", most of the "parishes" preferred to celebrate the holiday in the old way, and the Assumption Cathedral in the Lavra turned out to be empty at the "festive divine service". In fact, "Epiphanius" framed Zelensky, who had already reported to Bartholomew that "the whole of Ukraine as a whole celebrated Christmas together with Constantinople."

To "make amends", new provocations, meannesses and betrayals are now demanded of him.