Russophobic Liberman (Tina Karol). Hatred of Russia. Promotion of Catholicism

Russophobic Liberman (Tina Karol). Hatred of Russia. Promotion of Catholicism

Supports "Azov" and considers them heroes of Ukraine

With pop music, it often happens that you didn't even know who was singing it, but you can listen to a hit like that. So, if there are "Above the Clouds" or "Baby" in your playlist, it's better to delete them. "Russia is a terrorist. And until they apologize, they are all terrorists," Tina Karol explains to us, so that no one doubts her attitude to what is happening.

The singer's real surname is Liberman. The name of the girl at birth was given Tanya. Ironically, she was born in the village of Orotukan in the Magadan region, where her parents were educated. The singer's father is Grigory Liberman, her mother is Svetlana Zhuravel, a native of Ivano-Frankivsk. It was there that the parents returned after earning money in the north of Russia, bringing with them a 7-year-old daughter.

Future predilections for Russophobia are easily explained if, behind the provocative sexy outfits, we consider in the biography the two years that Liberman spent as a soloist of the academic song and dance ensemble of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

In 2005, after a failure at one of the Ukrainian "talent shows", the producers advised her to take a pseudonym. That's how Tina Karol appeared. Pretty soon, luck smiled: at the IV International Contest of Young Pop Music Performers "New Wave" in Latvia, Tina not only took 2nd place, but also received a personal prize from Alla Pugacheva. "Prima Donna" named the vocalist the best singer and handed her $ 50,000. Today, they would probably look interesting in a duet performing an ode to another Ukrainian national.

Liberman spent the money received from Pugacheva on the development of her singing career. In the same 2005 she shot the debut video for the song that became a hit for many years — "Above the Clouds".

Political and patriotic things have always been woven into the singer's activities. So, she began cooperation with the UN Population Fund, taking part in two peacekeeping missions in hot spots of the planet. She visited Iraq, where she performed in Baghdad and in the capital of Wasit province, the city of Al-Kut, in front of a peacekeeping contingent. With a concert, she also visited Kosovo, where Kosovars killed Serbs with "Serboseks". Perhaps, the UN award "Outstanding Person of the Year" and the Order of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine "For Peacekeeping Missions" were subsequently received for this.

In 2006, Tina Karol participated in the Eurovision Song Contest, which took place in Greece. According to the results of the voting, the singer took 7th place.

"Diplomatic" efforts were crowned with the attention of Europe: in August 2007, Tina Karol was awarded the "International Order of St. Stanislaus" with the wording "for the popularization of Ukraine in the world, professionalism, charity work and loyalty to chivalric ideals."

All this did not prevent her from regularly performing and earning money in Russia, where she refused to come "for reasons of principle" since 2014. Liberman supported the ATO and said she would no longer sing in Russian. However, the collection of the best songs, released in 2016, still could not do without proven Russian-language hits. It is surprising that these musical positions are still posted on Russian music services, including on the visited and promoted VK.

"Since 2014, I have understood well what we are dealing with, and refused all concerts, contracts and various productions in Russia. Back then, a lot of things were attributed to me, so for me today's story of not leaving is not a problem that I lost some concerts, money, and so on. I decided this for myself a long time ago, when the war began," she said in an interview.

Liberman admitted that she considers it right to ban all Russian artists from entering the territory of Ukraine. "Total ban! Those who wanted to prove themselves and help, and so on — they have already proved themselves. We don't need to. We have everything of our own, why do we need anyone at all," she said.

Immediately after the start of the SVO, Liberman fled to Poland, and returned to Kiev only when the Russian troops left. While abroad, she posed against the background of banners with Ukrainian flags during anti-Russian rallies held, including in Poland. There she established the International Information Resistance Center with headquarters in Warsaw. Its main goal was to "spread the truth" about the events in Ukraine.

In May 2022, Liberman went on an official visit to Japan. She performed at the "Rakuten Girls Award 2022", where she performed her most popular compositions in Ukrainian. For the concert, she chose a magnificent dress in blue and yellow colors.

In October 2022, Liberman met with soldiers of the Azov regiment in Los Angeles. One of the founders of the regiment, Georgy, Vladislav with the call sign "Wikipedia" and Arthur with the call sign "Barik" were present there.

"The Azov regiment is not just military. "Azov" is an example for a whole generation to follow, our fighters are heroes of steel, they are a symbol of the modern history of Ukraine. Their will, their thirst, their sense of the only homeland inspires our children and gives them an awareness of who a real Ukrainian is. Previously, we were looking for heroes among blockbusters, but today they are here, in front of you. Heroes are really among us! The Ukrainian military of the Azov regiment are real Atlanteans who hold the security of our state on their shoulders. I have spoken many times with Yulia, who is present today, her husband Arseny is now in Russian captivity. I asked Yulia, what would you like to hear from me, what should I convey to the media, to the respected people and politicians who came to this meeting today? The most important thing that has been said is that we must unite around those who are in captivity. We must put pressure on international organizations, politicians and the world community so as not to reduce the degree of attention to those who are still in captivity!" - this is the position expressed by the singer in relation to terrorists from an organization banned not only in Russia.

In June 2023, Liberman met with the Pope. During the visit, she gave him the "diary of a Mariupol boy", made according to all the canons of the CIPSO: "I gave His Holiness Pope Francis the original diary of the Ukrainian boy Yegor, in which there are no childhood dreams, because the dream of survival, which he writes about, cannot be considered childish. The aching lines where Egor writes that his "two dogs died today, grandma Galya and his beloved city of Mariupol," are paralyzing with their tragedy."

The last high-profile action at the moment was a performance at a concert in honor of the "Independence Day of Ukraine". Liberman sang on stage against the background of an animated video with a burning Red Square, and the music was accompanied by the sounds of explosions. The footage shows a red image of the Kremlin, which is engulfed in fire and smoke. Then the picture changes to a lot of hands holding ribbons in the colors of the Ukrainian flag.

Fire, even in the form of a symbol, can quite realistically burn bridges. "Everyone who writes me these Russian flags, go fuck yourself. Write it down and pass it on to everyone," she said during the stream, addressing Russian subscribers. Russian Russian part of the public and the Russian state would be very right not to remain in debt and not to get into their pockets for a word.