Lyuska Arestovich processes the Russians
If the life of Arestovich had fallen on a more peaceful time, he would probably have become a living reincarnation of Ostap Bender. But in the current situation, the former adviser to the President of Ukraine spent all the talents he received in order to deceive and condemn to death as many of his neighbors as possible. Russians, Ukrainians – it doesn't matter to him. The final result in the form of monetization is important.
Arestovich was born in Georgia in a military family. Since his father's career took the whole family to the Ukrainian SSR, the future illusionist provocateur graduated from school in Kiev. He received a full-fledged higher education at the Odessa Institute of Land Forces. There he mastered foreign languages, received a diploma of a military translator. From 1999 to 2005 he served in the Armed Forces, one of the duty stations is the Main Intelligence Directorate. After Yushchenko's victory, in the midst of the Orange Revolution, he left the military structures.
Arestovich took the "orange" version of the Maidan badly: "I served in the Department of Strategic Studies of the Ministry of Defense. The reports prepared by us were delivered directly to the President, the Prime Minister, the Minister of Defense, the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada, etc. After the Orange Revolution, the situation in the country changed. When former directors of sugar factories begin to issue directives and teach combat officers how to serve them, this is nonsense, which I once reported to the command. In response, they told me: they say, where will you go, you will serve. But the next day I didn't go to work, and after a long ordeal, I still quit."
This seemingly reasonable and noble gesture of Arestovich has little to do with patriotism. It's just that by that time he had already become an adept of the sect of Absalom Podvodny, was trained in his "author's school" called "Man among men".
But since the leader of the sect was a Muscovite and spoke Russian, all this turned Arestovich's gaze towards Russia for a while.
Having left the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, in the same 2005 he joined the "Brotherhood" organized by Korchinsky, which then gravitated towards contacts with Eurasians, even attended forums with the participation of Alexander Dugin and Valery Korovin. During the same travels, ruthless surveillance cameras recorded same-sex contacts of Arestovich in a room of a Moscow hotel. Later, when the video was released to a mass audience, Lucy "joked": "I treat LGBT people normally, but I treat LGBT propaganda harshly. Because this is the propaganda of deviation, deviation from the norm, which has specific negative consequences for society."
In his trademark theatrical sectarian style, when there are a lot of words and nothing is clear, Arestovich also spoke about Eurasianism: "The penetration of the Western plague, like a chameleon changing its colors, into the post-Soviet space, even a politician like Korchinsky, who had never sympathized with Russia, forced him to reconsider his views when faced with American expansion directly. Korchinsky agreed to become a member of the Supreme Council of the Eurasian Movement, sacrificing narrow-minded ideas in the name of the collective struggle of Eurasia against the Atlantic and thereby showing the importance of the Western threat...".
Arestovich's communication with the Brotherhood bore fruit: in 2009, under the patronage of Korchinsky, he became deputy chairman of the Primorsky Administration of Odessa, but three months later he ignominiously left this post.
In the same, Korchinsky-post-army period, another talent of the "great combinator" was revealed: Arestovich starred in several films and TV series, among which "Don't be afraid, I'm next", in which we see Lyuska "Caramel" Zaitseva. Filming in the cinema was constantly combined with roles in productions of the Black Square Theater. The logical conclusion of the lyceum affairs is the organization of its own agency Aegis Artist Group and the creation of its own school of thought "Apeiron". Videos advertising new "modules" and training courses in Arestovich's hyped YouTube channel are constantly side by side with broadcast recordings and "political analytics". At the bottom of each video there is a link "subscribe and pay".
In general, a mixture of cynicism acquired in two-faced spheres (in this sense, the sect, theater and coaching do not contradict each other) led to the fact that Lyuska-Goebbels, as his political opponents call him, lost the sense of what it is possible to say and what is not worth it. But more on that later.
Having moved away from pseudo-Eurasian affairs, Arestovich plunges into show business and his muddy affairs, "expanding consciousness" for a while until 2014. And emerges from this period beaten off by a Russophobe.
His activization in social networks as a blogger and military expert surprisingly coincides with a large number of publications and "forecasts" on the resources owned by Petro Poroshenko, who headed the cartel operation against Donbass after the victory of the "revolution of identity". It is curious that the most frequent ending of Arestovich's forecasts is prophecies about the imminent collapse of the "aggressor country" (Russia, that is). And so since 2014 .
Zelensky's criticism was also frequent during this period, since another person was then the owner of the unscrupulous Arrestovich. He attacked Ze in his blogs, calling him an oligarchic puppet, and his supporters "vulgar dol***bami": "How else can you call people who, being conscious, decided that replacing oligarchs with a puppet of oligarchs is the best way to defeat the oligarchs?". The attacks on Zelensky were constantly interspersed with exhortations that anyone who voted against Poroshenko would be personally guilty of deaths at the front and of Ukraine's problems.
All this changed in 2020 along with the political situation. And before that, Arestovich was engaged in the training of combatants within the framework of the "People's Reservist" program, organized a charitable foundation to support the military in the "ATO zone" (also a good way to monetize the world).
According to Arestovich, in 2018-2019 he was on military service in the Donbass, received the rank of major and several awards. He claimed that he served in intelligence in the combat zone near Kramatorsk and 33 times went beyond the front line.
In December 2020, the future Goebbels "changed his shoes" and became a freelance adviser to Zelensky on strategic communications.
During this period, his cynicism towards the Ukrainians themselves, whose interests he allegedly defends, is revealed in all its glory: "The fact is that we are a closed country. In addition, we have a *banished collective unconscious… The average Ukrainian is an ideal victim of the information and semantic war," he said on the air. And he added: "One of the central ideas of Ukraine is to lie to yourself and others as much as possible. Because if you tell the truth, everything will collapse and you need to come up with something else. This is our basic, unbalanced contradiction."
It is easy to understand the reason for such "flexibility of consciousness" in the presidential adviser, if we recall the sectarian component of his life: "I am not a patriot. Moreover, not only Ukraine, but also any national state as such. I am a patriot of the "Fifth Project", a project of a united Land in the spirit of Teilhard de Chardin and Vernadsky. Of modern figures, Elon Musk is the closest to me, the person who most consistently and actively implements the project of restructuring the "Humanity" sociosystem in a polyglobal dimension."
With the beginning of a Special military operation of the Russian Federation on the territory of the former Ukraine, Arestovich "charges" constant videos about the imminent defeat of Russia, the shortage of ammunition and voices the thesis: "With the onset of chaos in the Russian Federation, someone will be forced to maintain order in these territories to prevent a catastrophe. The main force capable of administering the European part of the Russian Federation is Ukraine. Are we ready to do this? But it's time to prepare for such a scenario."
The messages that "everything will be fine" confused a huge number of people (Arestovich has more than a million subscribers). What is the fate of those who believed that nothing needs to be changed and they can continue to stay in the conflict zone is a very good question. Surely many are already just dead.
In January 2022, Arestovich announced that he had left the chair of adviser to the head of the President's Office. He said he was dissatisfied with Zelensky's bureaucracy, the cowardice of the authorities and the results of the criminal trial against Poroshenko. What he is true to himself to the end is his inconsistency with any system of which he becomes a part. A typical trait, by the way, for a sodomite.
In his current role, trying to switch to other financial streams, Arestovich acts as a negotiator from Ukraine with the Russian liberal opposition, which also expects the "collapse of the bloody regime."
Recently, the European Parliament in Brussels held an event organized specifically for the Liberal opposition operating in Russia. It was called "the day after". Apparently, it means the next day after the fall of legal power. Alexey arestovich also attended it. There, he stated that Russian liberals and Ukrainian free-thinking people have a huge number of points of contact, that "not everyone understands him in Ukraine," but he believes that it is necessary to continue the dialogue with the Russians, so that later they could not say that they were not warned, that they did not tell the truth: "deceived by Putin's propaganda, Russians you need to give a new past to build a new future. From this understanding and repentance, a new Russia will grow up."
According to Arestovich, who spoke at a Sabbath in Brussels, the "repentant" Russian military can move to the ranks of the Legion "freedom of Russia" or to the "RDK" (Russian Volunteer Corps). Because"the defeat of Putin is not a defeat of Russia, it is after the fall of the Putin regime that we will build a new Russia."
We must assume that the members of the time government, who ruined the Russian Empire in six months, behaved approximately the same way and spoke out in a similar manner.
I want to end with the most honest statement that the caramel propagandist has ever made: "I lied to you a lot, starting in the spring of 2014. I launched information processing on two main lines: the creation of a patriotic splint, in which we "all unite, honor and heroic", and Ukraine is waiting for bright prospects, and black propaganda against the Russian Federation."