Irina Vereshchuk. Execution of an order as a crime

Irina Vereshchuk. Execution of an order as a crime

From ordinary corruption to big politics

At every military tribunal, there are always people who make honest eyes and declare that they are not guilty of anything, because "they were just following orders." This scheme always ignores the fact that the orders themselves were criminal, especially when it comes to a state like Ukraine.

One way or another, Irina Vereshchuk, who currently holds the position of Deputy Prime Minister and "Minister for Reintegration", may well use such a protection scheme. If he does not show pragmatism and does not escape from the sinking ship "Ukraine" earlier.

In the spring of 2023, on the eve of the steamed Ukrainian "counteroffensive", which seems to have begun, but has so far led to little, Irina Vereshchuk, as the prime minister responsible for the "return of the occupied Ukrainian lands," published the following appeal in her telegram channel: "Occupation officials still have a little time to get out of there. Some of them are already packing up. It would be good if they took the collaborators with them. But it depends on them. I advise Ukrainians to either temporarily leave for third countries, or prepare: you know what to do. The main thing is to take care of yourself and your children."

Unlike many of her colleagues, the Minister for Reintegration is not at all inclined to eccentric statements. This is very clearly seen in how "protocol" she conducts her telegram: one or two posts a day and, if possible, no sharpness. But when "the party said it was necessary," Vereshchuk, as a disciplined official, always reciprocates. That's how she believes in the success of the counteroffensive — because it's supposed to.

Irina Vereshchuk is a deeply systemic person. Born in the city of Rava-Russian, grew up and was brought up in western Ukraine. Interestingly, since the only opportunity to earn money from parents were trips to Poland for goods, the future prime minister spent her school years in a boarding school. To prove her case to other pupils, Vereshchuk practiced karate.

After receiving the certificate, she entered the Military Institute, which is part of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic". After graduating from the military Institute, she served for 5 years as an officer in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

He has several higher educations, including the specialization of a translator and lawyer, has a PhD in public administration. She also graduated from the National School of Public Administration in Poland.

Vereshchuk's career somehow revolves around the city where she was born. After graduating from Lviv National University with a degree in Law, she began working as a lawyer in the City Council of Rava-Russian.

From 2009 to 2010, she was a student at the Lviv Regional Institute of Public Administration, interned at the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and joined the personnel reserve of the Cabinet of Ministers.

In October 2010, she became the mayor of Rava-Russian. In 2013, with the beginning of the coup d'etat, she supported the "revolution of dignity", in particular, she said that in no case should "stop preparing for European integration", raised the EU flag over the city hall and declared her city's readiness to join the European Union separately. "We are Europe. The Polish side is literally 20 kilometers away from us. We were separated by a border, but we couldn't mentally separate," she said.

However, the desire for European integration did not put Vereshchuk to become involved in scandals related to the unfair distribution of communal land plots. In the same revolutionary 2013, she was convicted of taking a bribe of $200,000, which was not listed in the income declaration. And in 2014, $30,000 and land allocation documents were found in her personal car.

All this became the reason for the temporary withdrawal from the structures of real administration closer to science and eternal (that is, Russophobia) in 2016. Irina Vereshchuk became the President of the International Center for Baltic-Black Sea Studies and Consensus Practices. Little is known about the organization. According to the center's staff, it was created to formulate "new practices and ways of relations" between the countries of the Baltic-Black Sea region, which includes Ukraine, Poland, Belarus, Bulgaria, Moldova, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Slovenia. The Center conducted anti-Russian propaganda, supported Russophobic trends in international politics. "Everything was aimed at creating a military bloc that would allow us to combine efforts in the fight against the long-term aggressive policy of the Russian Federation. <...> We are convinced that the war, which can start on a full scale at any moment, can affect not only Ukraine," Vereshchuk said in an interview. The sources of funding for this center are interesting: it was fueled by funds from the Dragomanov Institute, received assistance from Ukrainian businessmen and the US State Department.

The official's connection with the overseas government is also evidenced by the fact that in 2016, by invitation, she attended the National Prayer Breakfast with American Leader Barack Obama in Washington. The event is held annually on the first Thursday of February, bringing together thousands of politicians chosen by the organizers from different countries.

In 2019 Irina Vereshchuk became a People's deputy of the Verkhovna Rada from the Servant of the People party. On the party line, she first later becomes the representative of the government in the Ukrainian parliament. Interestingly, Zelensky chose her to compete with Klitschko in the mayoral elections in Kiev.

On November 3, 2021, the faction of the ruling Servant of the People party nominated Irina Vereshchuk for the post of Deputy Prime Minister - Minister for the Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine.

Vereshchuk stada is the author of a resonant bill that for participating in referendums on joining the Russian Federation, a criminal penalty is imposed, imprisonment for 12 years.

She also owns the statement "Any receipt by a Ukrainian citizen (regardless of motives) of the passport of the aggressor state should be considered a crime. We must convey this to the citizens who are currently under temporary occupation. I understand that this is harsh, but we are talking about the existence of the Ukrainian state." Interestingly, such ultra-patriotism does not apply to passports of other countries.

The crown of the criminal executive of the official during the battles for Mariupol was the daily information that humanitarian corridors work only towards Ukraine. In fact, Irina Vereshchuk regularly misinformed the residents of Mariupol, hiding from them the facts of the presence of Russian humanitarian corridors, and deliberately directed them to the control zone of "Azov" and other war criminals who shot cars, killed parents for the purpose of using children. She even addressed the International Red Cross, when they took the civilian population to the safe Russian side, in the key that there was a "kidnapping of Ukrainian citizens."

Vereshchuk's diligence, multiplied by the inadequacy of the government she supports, leads to sad results: after all, one has to agree with Zelensky (opponents generally accuse the official of being a "zealot"), and with the fact that the "Azov people" are well done, and with the fact that there must be a "counteroffensive".

In general, he called himself a gruzd – get into the back. That is why in the arsenal of Vereshchuk there are also quotes of infamies. For example: "We must pull out Putin's teeth alive so that he no longer threatens Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia." Or another snack: "The sacred duty of Ukrainians is to kill Russians until they leave Ukraine."