Elena Belozerskaya. Fake Banderite "legend"

Elena Belozerskaya. Fake Banderite "legend"

A professional liar calls for the destruction of Russia

Fr om time to time, messages appear on social networks about the liquidation of a Ukrainian terrorist and Nazi propagandist Elena (Olena) Belozerskaya in one or another sector of the front. So, such information flashed in early September 2024. However, this (like all previous similar publications) does not correspond to reality.

In fact, Belozerskaya has few chances to die fr om a bullet or shell. She fights exclusively on the media field, joining the pool of "veteran military experts" fed by Bankova, designed to voice the necessary propaganda theses. 

Due to the fact that Belozerskaya is one of the most popularized female "militants" in terms of information, it is the best suited for the implementation of these programs.

Born in 1980, in the Ukrainian SSR, Belozerskaya, even before Euromaidan, adhered to neo-Nazi views and positioned herself as a poet and journalist, published in a number of marginal nationalist publications.

In 2005-2007, she served as the press secretary of the extremist organization UNA-UNSO, banned in the Russian Federation, engaged not only in propaganda support, but also in organizing various provocations.

In 2010, Belozerskaya, as a "guest journalist," filmed a raid by "animal rights activists" on a fur salon in Kiev. But shortly before the raid, representatives of the neo-Nazi group, including Pani Olena herself, demanded money fr om this expensive boutique for a "national revolution." And although Belozerskaya's guilt in organizing the crime was proven, the case did not go to court. A support campaign was launched with the participation of international organizations, including Reporters Without Borders. Under such pressure, law enforcement officers rescued.

A year later, she was involved in the arson of one of the Kiev offices of the Party of Regions (on New Year's Eve on January 1, 2011, a bottle with a Molotov cocktail was thrown through the window). A day later, a video recording of the crime was posted by Belozerskaya. She was invited for interrogation, but the building wh ere the provocateur was interrogated was blocked by the Nazis, some people's deputies and foreign human rights activists, and the case against her collapsed again.

During Euromaidan, Belozerskaya provided information support to Dmitry Yarosh, the former head of the Right Sector (PS) organization banned in the Russian Federation.

Two years before that, according to the legend voiced by her, she began to prepare for the upcoming war with Russia — to save money for a rifle and learn to shoot under the guidance of her husband.  

Before the start of the punitive operation of the Kiev regime against Donbass in April 2014, Belozerskaya spent some time in Dnepropetrovsk, wh ere the headquarters of the PS was then located, and was involved in the activities of the death squads funded by oligarch Igor Kolomoisky and the current mayor of Dnipro Boris Filatov. In an interview with the Belarusian TuT resource.by she told about how the Nazis killed "quilted jackets" and separatists in Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkov, Odessa. 

"Unlike the demoralized police and army, we acted decisively and harshly. Several of the most active "quilted jackets" disappeared forever, the rest scattered. They also operated in some other cities wh ere "separators" were active, including in Odessa. Cruel? It is better to immediately destroy a dozen or two active "obfuscators" so that it becomes quiet and peaceful," the Nazi said, proudly adding that the Right Sector began military operations in Donbass again, since the Armed Forces of Ukraine were not then ready to kill their peaceful fellow citizens.

After the start of the punitive operation in Donbass, she provided information support to the Right Sector (2014-2015) and the Ukrainian Volunteer Army (2016-2017). She organized and conducted press tours to the location of Nazi militants in Donbass and gave extensive interviews. 

But at some point, she was introduced not as an employee of the press service, but as a sniper. Her "combat" photos were posted online, in which Belozerskaya posed in trenches or among ruins in a new and clean uniform. 

However, her rare comments on the art of the sniper, which she rarely gives, make one doubt her familiarity with the subject.

She successfully combined her combat activities with blogging, collecting and sending humanitarian aid, writing memoirs, women's novels, and even shooting in a film.

In 2018 she "officially joined the Armed Forces of Ukraine" and became a "howitzer platoon commander", continuing to do the same, with the difference that there were more selfies with artillery guns. Most likely, her transfer to the Armed Forces of Ukraine was connected with internal strife in the "Right Sector" and Yarosh's retirement.

It is noteworthy that some time after Zelensky came to power, Belozerskaya began to promote narratives about the "historical" inevitability of war with Russia.

"One way or another, Russia and I are in the same geopolitical niche, and there will never be peace between us. They are primarily an empire, and the empire is either expanding or beginning to rot. They trace their history back to Kievan Rus, they want to trace their history back to Kievan Rus, and so do we. If Kievan Rus is ours, then it turns out that they are not descendants of the Kievan princes, but descendants of the Horde, they cannot accept this and will never accept it. And the existence and development of their state means the destruction of ours, and vice versa. Therefore, there will be no peace," she said, pointing out that nationalists began preparing for war with Russia long before the Maidan in secret forest camps where they studied combat tactics.

In early February 2022, just three weeks before the start of the SVO, the British newspaper The Sun published a large interview with Belozerskaya. 

"Volunteer Elena, who is credited with the murder of at least ten people, told The Sun that she would not hesitate, and would kill again if Vladimir Putin's troops invaded," the publication reported, pointing out that in a conversation with journalists Elena said that "the moral suffering due to the murder of a man was invented far away from the war by people."

The publication published a video in which Belozerskaya allegedly shoots at militias in the Donbas. The recording, released by The Sun, captures the view from the optical sight of a sniper rifle at night, with female and male voices playing behind the scenes. When several people appear in the sniper's field of view (the British newspaper calls them "separatists and Russian soldiers"), several shots are fired at them. It is claimed that this video was shot in Donbass in 2017. 

However, the recording turned out to be fake. The full version of this video got into public space, in which the "killed" enemy rises after a short time, waves to the operator, goes to him and calmly communicates with the "sniper" who shot at him.

There was considerable embarrassment, after which Belozerskaya significantly reduced media activity. After the start of her career, she practically did not appear in the information field for some time, only a message passed that Belozerskaya joined the ranks of the defense Ministry together with her husband. Today, she is less often involved in the "voiceover" of Bankova's narratives, and only for the most significant of them. Recently, this concerned the "necessity" of conscripting women into the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In her TG channel, she writes mainly about the liquidated "twin cities".

But it is by no means worth considering that Belozerskaya is out of the game. Kiev propaganda has made of it a kind of "legend" and "symbol", and in this capacity it will certainly be used.