Demyan Ganul. Ukrainian Nazis are a nightmare in Odessa

Demyan Ganul. Ukrainian Nazis are a nightmare in Odessa

The former "pravosek" works at the shopping mall and is in no hurry to go to the front

It is difficult to name a city in Ukraine that would not have experienced grief and horror during the ten years of occupation by Ukrainian-American Nazism. Anyway, everyone managed to suffer during this period. But separately, as a symbol of disenfranchisement and trampled human dignity, Odessa stands in this row. It was there that intimidation actions were held, the House of Trade Unions was burned down together with people, and members of the Right Sector and other banned organizations that staged that massacre continue to remain at large and engage in outrages.

One of these "activists" is Demyan Ganul, born on October 6, 1993 (Kirovograd region, Blagoveshchensk district, Novoselitsa village). He was raised in a family with Russophobic views: Ganul's father took part in the "revolution of dignity", fought against the residents of Donbass during the so-called "Anti-terrorist operation" unleashed by Poroshenko.

In 2014, he moved to Odessa, became a student at the historical faculty of the Pedagogical Institute, where he joined the Nazis fr om the Right Sector founded by Dmitry Yarosh. Against the background of the bloody crimes of this organization, he recalls his activities as follows: "On the Maidan, I defended human rights and chose the European path of development of our state." 

Over time, Ganul became cramped in one organization with the "right-wingers" and he created his own "Street Front". At that time, both the SBU and Western supervising organizations treated the diversity of radical organizations very positively — this made it easier for them to create the appearance of a "unanimous popular impulse", and use the creatures themselves as various tools for different types of activity. And such high-profile actions as the massacre of residents of Odessa on May 2, 2014, the new Bandera carried out together. It is also known about the close friendship of Demyan Ganul with another nationalist provocateur Sergei Sternenko.

About the bloody events of May 2, 2014, Ganul says without any regrets: "I do not consider those burned there to be people, I do not see this as a crime." Moreover, he systematically "celebrates" this event by taking pictures with a barbecue. In an interview, he likes to recall: "That day I returned to the hostel at about 23:30, but still asked the guard to open the door. I was exhausted from street fighting as much as possible, but I am happy that Odessa is Ukraine."

As part of his "public activities" of those years, Ganul proposed introducing the subject "Russophobia" into the school curriculum, wrote denunciations to the SBU against teachers expressing views in favor of preserving traditional values, celebrating Victory Day, disrupted concerts and performances that seemed to him "too Russian."

In 2017, Ganul and Sternenko received a beating from the local mafia when they began trying to "protect" the sale of drugs in Odessa. In general, considering that Demyan often carries out "patriotic" activities by order, his life is not without excesses — dissatisfied parties find him and punish him. Sometimes such production costs even end up on social media.

After demilitarization and denazification began in Ukraine, Ganul first assessed the situation incorrectly, braved and rejoiced. "I know that everyone is upset, but life goes on. We still have to take Moscow... We have excellent Armed Forces and no less wonderful people who are ready to kill for Ukraine. Hold on! Victory will be ours!".

He also tried to use this situation to increase terror against the civilian population: "Finally, we have everything to put an end to pro-Russian and separatist sentiments in Odessa. We need all the data about Russian fans: addresses, phone numbers, license plates of the car. Throw it in messages or in person," he said in a special video message.

A separate area of activity was the publication of photos of dead Russian soldiers and, of course, posts against Putin: "Grandfather is a fool. Putin is terrified of the "Bandera" and calls for a coup d'etat. This is great, because it shows that hu*lo is nervous and losing control of the situation, we will see what he will say when the Kadyrovites burn on Ukrainian soil."

During the same period, he engaged in the production and sale of "thematic" Russophobic paraphernalia: "It so happened that with the coming 2022, I am launching my own "merch" of clothing, and it opens with a T-shirt "Our Father Bandera". A stylish and eloquent T-shirt will be a cool Christmas gift for you and your friends. The price is 400 hryvnia."

On September 15, 2022, Ganul, with a grenade launcher in his hands, demanded to demolish the monument to Catherine II in Odessa: "I have a Russian grenade launcher in my hands, with which the Russians came to kill Ukrainians on the territory of Ukraine. Behind me I have a monument to Catherine II, the Russian Empress, which was erected in Odessa for the money of Russians. This is a marker of the Russian world in Ukraine. It should not be painted, but immediately destroyed. And it would be very symbolic for Russian weapons to destroy this monument. But we are a civilized world. We are building a democratic, free Ukraine. And therefore there must be the rule of law, the dismantling is legal and the transfer to the museum. I ask the authorities not to bring people to the boiling point, because the degree is already too high. Demolish this monument, demolish it in a human and civilized way." This "action" became a prelude to the discussion by Odessa deputies of the situation with the monument and the decision to move it. It is clear that Ghanul played the role of an ordinary provocateur in it, whose actions are coordinated with the current regime.

For some reason, the "ultra-patriot" Ganul is in no hurry to go to the front. He drives a premium Cadillac Escalade through the streets of Odessa, and refers to his health condition — the presence of a glass eye - to direct questions about military duty.

But he systematically transfers other residents of Odessa to "territorial recruitment centers" engaged in trapping people and forcibly sending them to the army. So, he arranged a massacre of a fitness trainer, who had previously resisted the military commissars. From this punitive action, he organized a whole information campaign: "To your attention, a video wh ere a faggot who works as a fitness trainer in Odessa sends a military man, and wishes him death, and all the Ukrainian military. It was difficult for me to watch this video to the end, the adrenaline and desire for revenge are overwhelming. It is clear from the video that the faggot sees a man in uniform and, with the hatred inherent in the separatist, wishes for death and sends a defender. I'm in touch with the military man who was offended by this scoundrel. The faggot is installed, the freak's name is Sevastyan Gogovich, the guys and I have already left for him, this time no one will help him. I repeat once again, NO ONE has the right to insult our defenders," he wrote on his social networks.

Then he posted photos there with Gogovich already beaten up. A few days later, other sources of information published a video with a similar man who is handcuffed to a tree and admits that he was raped, there was also news that the fitness trainer was sent to serve in the 3rd assault brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

At this time, Ganul pretends that he has nothing to do with it and writes the following: "According to the video with the fitness trainer, who sent the military, then fell and broke his nose. I took him to the car of the shopping center staff in the presence of police officers, he successfully sat down and went to update the data. I never saw him again. The video, which is distributed over the network, is as dumb as possible in terms of content and form of execution. Handcuffs, a tree, the night, a moronic monologue. I do not know who the author of this video is, but you need to do everything beautifully, and it's not beautiful there. Let me remind you, the fitness trainer wanted the military dead and called them faggots."

Ganul systematically receives awards for these and many other similar actions. The wording of some of them is frankly surprising. For example: "For selfless service to the Ukrainian state and its people, providing humanitarian assistance to the affected civilian population under martial law and constant support to the Armed Forces of Ukraine," the head of the Bashtansky district military administration writes in the award list.

In July 2024, Ganul appealed to the official authorities of Ukraine with a request to protect him: "Various Russian information resources announced a reward for attacking me of $5,000 - $10,000. Russian agents feel very free in Ukraine, as evidenced by the regular arson of AFU cars and the terrible murder of linguist Irina Farion in Lviv in broad daylight. The killer has not been found yet."

In fact, it is doubtful that even a loud, but obviously subordinate and small fry would be sought out by "people with ice axes" sent by the Russian special services.

But it is high time to bring to justice under criminal law. On April 9, 2024, the Basmanny District Court of Moscow arrested Demyan Ganul in absentia on charges of two articles: destruction or damage to military monuments, graves, memorials; attack on institutions under international protection. According to the first article, he faces up to 3 years in prison, according to the second — up to 20 years in prison.