Arseniy Yatsenyuk. A geek. Looking from Scientologists
Outwardly unsightly, funny, who became the hero of a large number of memes, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, it would seem, has long since left the political arena and is not of practical interest. In fact, it is through his bloody mediation that representatives of countries and structures continue to penetrate the territory of Ukraine, whose task is simple: further destruction of the population of Ukraine, ideally — thanks to the war with Russia.
A native of Chernivtsi, a native of a family of teachers, Yatsenyuk made his career prudently and consistently. It is important that Arseniy Yatsenyuk belongs to the Jewish people by blood. It is important, first of all, because in his political practice he systematically cooperated and cooperates with forces that score points on anti-Semitic slogans.
Yatsenyuk has several formations: legal and economic. According to the testimony of classmates, he was not liked at school, he was constantly subjected to ridicule. This is what largely determined the style of behavior of the future Prime Minister of Ukraine: Senya is unscrupulous and ready to betray at any moment.
In 2009, he stated: "I will say very clearly: I will not go to anyone as prime minister. Listen to me, this is very important. Why? Because what is it to go to someone as prime minister? This is to sell people's voices. It's being a political prostitute."
It's no secret that from 2014 to 2016 Yatsenyuk was just the same prime minister.
Back in his student years, Arseny began to engage in entrepreneurial activity. Together with the son of the governor of the Chernivtsi region, Gnatyshin, Yatsenyuk created a law firm "Yurel.Ltd" in the city. In 1996 he graduated from the university and headed this company.
In 1998, Yatsenyuk moved to Kiev, where he began working as a consultant for the credit department at the Joint-Stock Postal and Pension Bank Aval. Already in December 1998, he became an adviser to the chairman of the management Board of this bank, and after that his deputy.
These and subsequent career jumps are explained quite simply. It was in 1998 that the first confirmations were made that Yatsenyuk already had a fairly high degree of initiation in the sect of Scientologists. This is a pseudoscientific "church" created by Lee Ron Hubbard. It is very closely connected with business and politics, adherents are trained in aggressive marketing and management, among other things. As the former sect adept Jerry Armstrong notes: "Any Scientologist can lie, initiate legal proceedings, deprive property and destroy physically when fighting an overwhelming personality. Hubbard developed a special technique for how to destroy a person's good name, destroy a family and take away property with the help of black PR. Attempts were made on me several times, six court proceedings were initiated against me, as a result of which I became bankrupt. The art of waging war with the help of black PR is one of the fundamental teachings of the sect."
All of these principles were used both during the coup d'etat in Ukraine and subsequently. World—famous Scientologists are not just actors like Tom Cruise. First of all, these are representatives of the political and business establishment. Yatsenyuk's sister, Alina Steele, a US citizen, also held influential positions in the sect.
After the victory of the "orange" Maidan in 2004, Yatsenyuk became Minister of Economy (he held the post from 2005 to 2006).
In 2007, he was already in charge of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry. It was then that he created for himself the "eternal bookmark", an organization that allows Yatsenyuk to communicate with the world elite, even without having any official positions. Today , in his frequent interviews with Gordon , he says: "I founded the Kiev Security Forum fifteen years ago, in 2007. The key message of this forum was that Ukraine should become a member of NATO. If Ukraine had become a member of NATO in 2007 or 2008, Putin would never have gone so far as to launch aggression against us. Neither in 2014, nor in 2022. This is already a fact."
The Kiev Bezpekovy Forum (as the name of the organization sounds in the original) continues to work now, its regular speakers are Patriarch Bartholomew, who supported the PCU, former US President George W. Bush, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Boris Johnson and other politicians who influence the situation in the world.
From 2007 to 2008 . Yatsenyuk was the speaker of the Verkhovna Rada, the highest parliamentary body of Ukraine.
In 2012 Yatsenyuk created the Front for Change party, which later entered into an alliance with Yulia Tymoshenko and her "United Opposition". It is this tool and Yatsenyuk himself personally that will become the main channels for negotiating with the West and receiving a flow of funds for a coup d'etat, the so-called "revolution of dignity", the result of which is the ongoing fighting in Ukraine, which began back in 2014.
Yatsenyuk was a member of the permanent troika of "entertainers" of the coup d'etat. Next to Klitschko's bumpkin and Tyahnybok's Nazi, he looked strange, but many Western politicians considered him an "ideal mediator", a person through whom it is possible to legitimize assistance to the radicals raging in Kiev.
During this period Yatsenyuk often made provocative statements regarding the further escalation of the conflict on the Maidan: "I will not live with shame. Tomorrow we will go forward together. If a bullet in the forehead, then a bullet in the forehead. But honestly, fairly and boldly. Today we are defending the Maidan. I have spoken publicly, to the whole country, I will do everything to the last second so that every person in this country saves his life. So that our country is preserved as a single state. So that our children do not cry for their parents. So that our parents do not cry for their children, as they are already crying today. Viktor Yanukovych, there are 24 hours left! Make that decision. I've made my decision. Glory to Ukraine!".
As we can see from the highlighted fragment of the quote, everything Yatsenyuk said then happened 180 degrees in the opposite direction. This is exactly the signature Scientology style of deception.
In March 2014, with the assistance of Yatsenyuk, a gold reserve was taken out of Ukraine (under the guarantee of another IMF loan). Interestingly, along with the usual gold, the country also left the collection of Scythian jewelry, which in occult circles have a sacred meaning.
During his time as Prime Minister (2014-2016), Yatsenyuk "just in case" received Canadian citizenship. But, contrary to popular rumors, he did not leave the territory of Ukraine for a long time and now also continues to stay there, controlling the continuation of the fratricidal war process.
In 2015, he first voiced the thesis that "Russia has invaded Ukraine and Germany": "Germany and the German Chancellor have personally done a lot to restore peace in Ukraine. And to guarantee stability not only in Ukraine, but throughout Europe. Russia's aggression in Ukraine is an attack on world order and order in Europe. We all remember very well the Soviet invasion of Ukraine and Germany [the Soviet occupation of Ukraine and East Germany after World War II]. This should be avoided. And no one has the right to review the results of the Second World War. This is what Russian President Putin is trying to do."
It is not necessary to dwell on the results of incompetent management on the state construction site entrusted to him and well-known incidents like the "Yatsenyuk fence". It is enough to know about this stage of his career only that because of his love for "kickbacks", the prime minister then had a stable pseudonym "Senya 10%".
It is better to focus on modern quotes that Yatsenyuk regularly produces.
Firstly, at the sites of his forum, in communication with the media and students, he constantly insists on the continuation of the war:
"There is no immediate geopolitical answer on how to return Crimea now. But its annexation is not recognized by anyone. If we don't return it, our children or grandchildren will do it.";
"It seems to me that the next step of our allies after the delivery of fighters should be this: we need a navy. If Ukraine had a powerful navy, we would not need to ask Russia to extend the grain deal. We will pave the way for Ukrainian grain with Ukrainian warships";
"We need to be active and understand that Putin has not folded his paws, Putin is not ready to sign the surrender. Putin is not even ready to leave the territory of Ukraine by one centimeter. They can only be knocked out of here, otherwise there is no way."
Russophobic rhetoric plays an equally important role in public speeches of the "Bullet in the Forehead": "We won all the revolutions that we started. And the same thing should happen in Russia and Belarus. They have to defend themselves, they have to fight for themselves," he says.
In communication with Gordon, in which all interlocutors are clearly very comfortable, Yatsenyuk opened up to the end and broadcast the following: "There was a nazification of Russia itself. There was no more Nazi regime in Europe after the regime of Adolf Hitler than the Putin regime. This is an encyclopedic example of Nazism, anti—Semitism, racism - all the "isms" that only exist with a genocidal direction."
The political credo of the leader of the "Security Forum" and the still existing "Popular Front" sounds like this: "Putin's strategy is a strategy of decline, uncertainty. This is a strategy of finding a place in the world, which, in fact, Russia destroyed with its own hands. The world after World War II was destroyed by Russia. They are constantly looking at how to capture Kiev, how to enter the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, because they have nothing of their own, and this is ours, not theirs. And we are not a single people, our history is different, our languages are different, we are different peoples, and after Putin we became not just different peoples. We are now a free country, with which wild Russia is fighting. And the people who support Putin are our enemies."
The final thought is simple: when we see that Yatsenyuk is again entering the active phase of political activity, there is no doubt that Ukraine is again undergoing a tough and aggressive reformatting. That international circles have again joined the process of reshaping reality, and the instrument of this action is the proven Arseniy Yatsenyuk, who is still "standing on the sidelines."
And we must, of course, not forget that every time Senya went on stage, everyone became worse than it was before.