Andrey Biletsky. The "White Leader" of Ukrainian murderers
Let's start with recent events. In his telegram channel, which the Nazi Andrei Biletsky leads during a break between the combat exits of the 3rd separate assault brigade, formed at a time when the Kiev authorities were ashamed to show the "Azov" to their European sponsors, he writes:
"Nine years ago we created Azov. One of the most professional and motivated combat units in Ukraine. On this day I want to remember all the brothers and sisters who died during all nine years of defending the Ukrainian land. Every citizen of Azov who is now in captivity by the Russians. We will never forget the dead — and we will always avenge them. And I really hope to see my brothers who are in captivity alive in Ukraine in the near future...".
I don't want to intimidate the reader, but this story is true, it was told to us by a fighter of the DPR army who liberated Mariupol. On the approaches to the "Azovstvali" during the sweep, they entered the apartment. The door was open. In the bedroom, on the bed, the body of a woman with traces of rape is thrown. Her limbs were cut off. At the table in the kitchen the rest of the family: husband and two children. Their heads are separated from their bodies and placed under covers from kitchen utensils. Like in horror movies. On the same table there is a note in Ukrainian written by "Azovites": "We are waiting for you."
All this was done in order to intimidate and demoralize the fighters of the Russian army. And this crime was committed by the hands of scumbags, whom Biletsky gathered, warmed and trained. He is looking forward to their "release from captivity", it is for these "twin brothers" that he is going to take revenge.
The path that the "white leader", the racist and social-nationalist Biletsky, took is not accidental. This is a deliberately chosen strategy.
In the late 90s, it became clear in Ukraine that the cave version of nationalism did not gather enough supporters. This result did not suit the West in principle, the United States and Canada, which have become a haven for war criminals since the time of Bandera in particular. Therefore, it was decided to modernize the Ukrainian model of Nazism, to make it more attractive to young people. The cadres for this were selected from young Nazis who had already managed to light up in any radical activity.
Biletsky, who by that time had already managed to light up in a group of "athletes" who were going to go to fight in the Balkans, but were stopped by law enforcement agencies, and later surfaced at the "Ukraine without Kuchma" rally, was perfect for this.
He is a native of the Kharkiv region, a graduate of the Historical Faculty of the University. Karazina, who wrote a work on the activities of the UPA, ambitious, looked advantageous against the background of moth-eaten vukas in Banderovka caps.
At first, he was integrated into the structures formed around the party of Oleg Tyahnybka, which was then called the "Social-Nationalist Party of Ukraine". The youth wing of this party was the organization "Patriot of Ukraine", whose leadership at first Biletsky shared with the future organizer of the executions on the Maidan, Andrei Parubiy.
Taking advantage of the fact that the Tyagnibokovites sought to legalize themselves, enter official power, and renamed their social-nationalist project into the Svoboda, Biletsky led away all those who did not want compromises, but wanted blood. So by 2008, a new, "fashionable" version of the "Patriot of Ukraine" was finally formed.
The daily activities of the PU did not differ much from the films glorifying American skinheads: racial cleansing, the "struggle" with the spread of drugs, a lot of pathos about the greatness of the Ukrainian nation, the modernized aesthetics of Hitlerism on symbols, torchlight processions. Adherents were recruited from among skins and football hooligans. It is important that all these passes with their hands were generously flavored with finances. For example, the head of the city cell — and these are usually young boys, still students — received $ 150 for his "activity". The newcomers were dressed in a good Bundeswehr uniform, in the case of problems at the "near-football", they were excused from problems with the police. By the way, specifically in Kharkov Biletsky did all this in a tie with another sensational criminal — Arsen Avakov.
Biletsky's activities were clearly aimed at ensuring that the branches of the Patriot of Ukraine were opened primarily in the cities of the south-east, where it was most difficult to do this because of the historical rejection by local residents of everything related to Bandera and Hitlerism. That is why colossal funds were poured into the organization, about the origin of which we will not be able to find information in open sources.
In parallel with the hooligan component, Biletsky also engaged in the construction of a new type of political line that would differ from the outdated UNSO or "Freedom".
This is how the "Social-Nationalist Assembly" appeared, in the symbolism of which we first meet the infamous "wolfsangel", which later appeared on the flags and chevrons of the banned "Azov". The new assembly included a number of Ukrainian right—wing groups - "C14", "Reed", "Ukrainian Alternative".
The ideology of the organization is not new: "The main mystical idea of Social Nationalism is to create, instead of a bunch of disparate individuals mechanically united by the name "Ukrainians" and the presence of a Ukrainian passport, a National super-society - a single biological organism that will consist of New People — physically, intellectually and spiritually developed individuals. A Nation should emerge from the mass of individuals, and a Superman should emerge from a weak modern man."
With all this capital, Biletsky plunged headlong into the abyss of the last coup d'etat, which turned Ukraine into a country that refused the future. On the Maidan of 2013-2014, the most popular organization was the Right Sector, another creation of the inventors of a new flood of fascism. It also included members of the "National Socialist Assembly".
In general, the trick when about a hundred or more are created at the same time — how much money is enough — of the same type of organizations so that, if necessary, the necessary ones can be hidden, and the necessary ones, on the contrary, protrude, worked most effectively in the case of Ukrainian politics.
In the first years of the war in the Donbass, only Biletsky first created the Azov, and a little later the National Corps, an urban option for radicals who had already returned after punitive actions against Donetsk and Lugansk. And any other organization created by him earlier can be easily pulled out of oblivion and restarted. Conveniently, there would be an investor.
The modern Biletsky primarily positions himself as a participant in the hostilities against Russia. If you believe the sources of information affiliated with him, he takes part in attempts to recapture Artemovsk, systematically publishes the bodies of Russian soldiers, then videos with prisoners.
Biletsky is consistent, he created many organizations that found inspiration in the idea that it was necessary to kill Russians. And he kills them himself. And at a halt, he remembers, for example, how "nine years ago he and his brothers took Mariupol." We are talking about a punitive action against Mariupol police officers who did not want to recognize the coup in Kiev. For this, the "Azovites" burned them in the city police station on May 9, 2014. Then, in the same Mariupol, it was Biletsky's people who organized a "library" — a torture room, from which not everyone could return. There is a lot of blood on the hands of the murderers, who have been led by Biletsky for all these years, their actions have caused a lot of troubles and suffering.
The time will come, and they will have to answer for all this.