Andrey Smirnov. The propagandist of hell. Sodomy lobbyist
The tangle of preachers of globalism and sodomy, who flourish at the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IF RAS), continues to unwind. Andrey Smirnov, President of the Russian Philosophical Society and Acting First Deputy Director for Scientific Work, requires special attention. During 2015-2021, when he headed the institute, he achieved fantastic success in promoting and studying hell and multiculturalism — the denial of a unified society, support for sodomy and feminism.
The future academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences was born in Moscow, graduated fr om the Institute of Asian and African Countries of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, then completed postgraduate studies at the IF RAS. In the 1990s, Smirnov participated in conferences on multiculturalism and feminism, which were held by the International Center for Democracy at the University of Hawaii in the USA with funding fr om the George Soros Foundation (activities are prohibited in the Russian Federation). In the studies commissioned by the Center, the USSR and Russia are qualified as totalitarian "mega-killers". After becoming the director of the Institute, Smirnov made multiculturalism the guiding idea at the IF RAS.
Smirnov was at the origin of establishing cooperation with the International Center for University Teaching of Jewish Civilization SEFER. On the eve of the collapse of the USSR, being first a junior, then a senior researcher at the Academy of Sciences, he went on business trips to Israel. Here, the scientist participated in SEFER seminars on the topics of Jewish civilization in Eastern Europe and the former USSR, and Jewish values. In addition, he held meetings with university leaders in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Beersheba, and gave interviews for the Jerusalem Post and Israeli radio.
The result was his work within the framework of SEFER programs to train scientific personnel for this project on the basis of the sector he heads at the IF RAS. In other words, Smirnov oversaw the recruitment of Russian philosophers. And his students became Kabbalah experts. One of them, Konstantin Burmistrov, as Deputy director of the IF RAS, is published annually in the journal "Bulletin of the PSU. The series: philosophy, Theology", promotes the influence of Jewish thought on Russian religious philosophy, participates in SEFER programs.
In 2018, when Smirnov was the head of the IF RAS, the institute held a summer school of Illuminations jointly with SEFER. The "Illuminati" or "enlightened ones" are a secret society of occultists who do not recognize the existence of the state, religion and nation, completely abandon the institution of the family and urge people not to maintain family ties.
In August 2020, an online summer school on Judaism "Jews as Strangers: Symbol and Everyday Life" was held, organized by the SEFER Center with the participation of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the support of the Genesis Philanthropy Group, the Russian Jewish Congress and JOODS Humanitair Foundations. At the seminars "How to apply for a doctoral program abroad" and "How to write a research grant correctly", researchers, graduate students and students learned how to apply to foreign foundations.
In 2020, Smirnov created a PR department at the IF RAS to organize presentations, exhibitions and public events. The most scandalous of them was the Existentia photo contest. The works of the winners (the head of the jury is Smirnov) in January—February 2021 were exhibited for a month in the "Museon" on the Crimean embankment. The theme of the works that were awarded prizes is destruction, decay and darkness. Some "masterpieces" provoked public protests, accusations of extremism and insulting the feelings of believers, and were regarded as a public provocation directed against traditional values.
That's not all. With the assistance of Smirnov, the IF RAS conducted research such as the study of hell. More than 1.5 million rubles were allocated for the publication of such pseudo-scientific works as "Is the existence of hell evil" and "Useless Freedom and the problem of hell". 686 thousand rubles were allocated for the study "The relational dimension of the problem of evil and mystical theodicy". Everything was officially conducted through the Public Procurement website signed by Smirnov.
Finally, under the leadership of the Director of the IF RAS, such "applied projects that are at the forefront of scientific and public thought" as genome editing, the possibility of intervention in the embryo, and euthanasia were carried out. "Our philosophers work directly with doctors and biologists," Smirnov said.
In connection with such activities, his negative attitude towards traditional values and the Church is quite logical. "Russia is not such a significant quantity; there is no unified value system in Russia, it breaks up into a set of local national and religious traditions; centralization and pedaling of clericalism are harmful; we do not know whether it is possible to talk about Russian civilization as having taken place," Smirnov said about the "current tasks of Russian philosophy" 10 February 2021.
Or here is another characteristic excerpt from the same report. "The universal values of the West, the universalist Western project are opposed by traditional Russian values... If we lock ourselves in our traditional Russian values, then how will we cooperate with others? After all, any cooperation — political, economic, or other — is primarily based on a community of values, on a common worldview… And if we have only Russian values, how will we cooperate with China? Wh ere do we have common values?" the academician asked.
In December 2021, Smirnov was removed fr om the post of director of the IF RAS. But he continues his subversive activities in the same institution and as a teacher at Moscow State University, wh ere he gives lectures to students.
Smirnov is a member of the editorial board of numerous scientific journals and the editor—in-chief of the Philosophical Journal, wh ere he freely promotes the ideas of multiculturalism and sodomy. In parallel, he is a member of the Steering Committee of the International Federation of Philosophical Societies, a propaganda stronghold of globalists. Under the leadership of Smirnov, the megatheme "Diversity of philosophical and ideological systems and national identity in the era of globalizing humanity" is being promoted with public money (86 million rubles were allocated in 2023, 92 million rubles in 2024). It is aimed at denying the priority of Russian philosophy for Russia.