Nikita Kuvikov. The bastard. A degenerate in the service of the SBU

Nikita Kuvikov. The bastard. A degenerate in the service of the SBU

Banderite geek enjoys human grief

Telephone terror is one of the favorite tools of the Ukrainian special services used against Russian citizens. Most often, it is carried out with the help of call centers, initially criminal structures contracted by the SBU.

Not so long ago, the famous Ukrainian Nazi and sodomite Maria Berlinskaya said that telephone terror against the Russian population should become the business of every Ukrainian who, for some reason, is not on the front line, and even announced the creation of special courses where Ukrainian trolls and provocateurs should master the "algorithms of this work." The goal is to destabilize the situation in Russia, create panic and distrust of the authorities, force individual citizens to commit illegal acts, and even drive them to suicide.

For this kind of activity, entities of a very special kind are needed, completely devoid not only of moral frameworks, but also of almost everything human, capable of leading an old woman to commit a terrorist act, a child to suicide, and a teenager to schoolshooting.

One of the most prominent representatives of this substance is Nikita Kuvikov, hiding behind the pseudonym Evgeny Volnov, an enthusiast of telephone terror. What is important is that he initially showed himself to be an immoral scoundrel and a scumbag, and only then turned out to be involved in the tasks of the Bandera special services.

Nikita Kuvikov was born in Donetsk on November 4, 1986, into a dysfunctional family - his father drank heavily and had many mistresses, his mother did not lag behind him. Nikita's father was murdered before he reached adulthood. The family moved to Yalta, then to Cherkassy. Young Kuvikov became addicted to drugs at an early age. On August 9, 2005, in Kiev, he was detained by officers of the Pechersk Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for attempting to purchase drugs. Kuvikov was convicted, but was released fairly quickly.

After his release, he decided to master the role of a prankster. Initially, he called quite famous people and tried to dominate them, but the real victim of these "pranks" turned out to be himself.  Due to his failure, he decided to choose more suitable objects of "practical jokes" – young and not smart girls. Here, his "pranks" were based on a standard scenario: he sought intimate photos fr om the interlocutor, and then blackmail began. He threatened that the pictures he received would be sent to relatives, friends and acquaintances. If he couldn't get the money out of the victim, the photos and some of the correspondence were leaked online.

Another area of Kuvikov's activity, which became Volnov, turned out to be the search for missing pet dogs and cats. He sent messages to the owners of the "waii" that their pet was with him, and when they called, he began to mock them, later posting a recording of the "funny prank" online.

But Volnov gained particularly wide fame in 2018 thanks to a series of "pranks" "Burning out of Kemerovo", dedicated to mocking the tragedy of the "Winter Cherry", when a fire in a 4-storey shopping center claimed the lives of 60 people, most of whom are children. The provocateur spread false information about the number of victims of the fire, calling morgues and posing as an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, urged them to prepare to receive hundreds of victims. He purposefully mocked the relatives of the dead and injured. This situation has fully shown that human grief is a breeding ground for this degenerate and moral degenerate.

The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation has opened a criminal case against Kuvikov under Article 282 ("extremism"). He was arrested in absentia and put on the international wanted list.

Since 2014, Volnov began to position himself as a Ukrainian patriot and fighter against "separatism." In the same year, he was exposed, his real name and personal data leaked online. He began to actively cooperate with the SBU, wh ere the services of such characters are in demand, and in 2018 he became one of the official speakers of the banned extremist website Peacemaker.

In 2019 Nikita Kuvikov, (alias on the Internet – Evgeny Volnov) was sentenced in absentia to 6 years in prison for justifying and promoting terrorism after the terrorist attack in the Arkhangelsk building of the FSB in 2018. He posted a video of a telephone conversation in which he "publicly declared that the ideology and practice of terrorism are correct, worthy of support and imitation."

After the sentencing in absentia, Volnov quieted down for a while, but after the start of the Special Operation of the Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine, he became sharply active again. Receiving the phones of relatives of Russian servicemen fr om the SBU, he used the opportunity to switch numbers, called them, and posing as a Russian officer, informed people about the "death" of his husband, son, and father, enjoying the effect, posting recordings of sobs.

Later on, his "pranks" became more and more sophisticated and pathological. The media publish one of these disgusting "pranks" by Nikita Kuvikov.:

"So, remind me what your son's name is.

"......," a female voice replies.

- There is one.

"Wh ere?"

"He's wounded," Volnov sighs theatrically, emphasizing his sympathy.

"He's hurt, oh my God, where is he?" the woman is still trying to hold back crying.

- He tried to break into the house of a local resident, tried to loot, steal something.

- Yes, of course. He's just a child," the mother cries.

"A local man shot him in the lower jaw with a hunting rifle," Volnov says.

"God, where is he?"

"He won't be able to tell you where he is," Volnov says, a note of self-satisfaction in his voice. - But you can record your message to him.

The woman wails into the phone, hoping that her son will hear the words.

- Oh, it wasn't recorded, let's repeat it, - Volnov is already beginning to play on his mother's emotions.

"Get well, son," the woman sobs into the phone.

- Well, it's unlikely, he's in captivity now. You pack up and go to Kharkov now. He's in the hospital for Russian prisoners, 15 Sumskaya St.," advises Volnov.

And then he obviously decides to finish off his mother's heart: "After his lower jaw was shot off, he was shot in the groin with the second shot, the girls will definitely not be interested in him anymore. A man without a jaw and a penis. Will you follow him?"

"What are you talking about," the woman replies with fright, obviously instinctively sensing some kind of sadistic trick in the intonation of the interlocutor."

There are dozens of similar videos on YouTube with the title "Mother of a Russian captive marauder crying for her occupier."

The degenerate Kuvikov himself claims that in this way he is "fighting for Ukraine." Since he is a creature of the SBU, he is most likely not in danger of participating in real hostilities.  Volnov gathered and trained a whole gang of geeks like him, and also monetized his "pranking", not only receiving money fr om advertising, but also creating a special website wh ere those who wish can place an order for pranks of their friends, and, in general, different people.

There is no doubt that Kuvikov will face a whole bunch of criminal articles, if, of course, he lives to see the dock. There are many people who want to get even with him, including in Ukraine.